Time to say Goodbye

Community Member

Hi to you hard working ebayers, finding it tough going?


Well, selling on ebay has become too hard and we are finally pulling the plug.


What with Fees on Postage, withholding funds, listing removal without notice, poor customer relations by ebay, the list is quite extensive.


A solution? Well, we are voting with our feet, it is the only way to send a clear message to the muppets in control.


It has been OK but time to say goodbye.



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Time to say Goodbye

Sorry to hear this.... But its this kind of action that may help them understand their new policies are BS.


Will you stop selling altogether or are you moving onto another venue?

Message 2 of 4
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Time to say Goodbye

Sorry to see another seller get fed up with it all.


May I ask, what have you found which will offer an alternative?  (Apart from your own website.)  Have you tested the waters on the other platform first to see if it's worth moving away from eBay?

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Time to say Goodbye

Yes I pulled the pin today and ended all my listings on ebay.  I am not prepared to put up with the unfairness of ebay towards sellers anymore.  I have dabbled with other selling platforms, but none have really worked.  But at lease I don't now have to wake up and dread looking at what may be in my ebay inbox.  cheers to all.

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