on 09-10-2012 08:30 AM
I listed a Cold Play Ticket for their Melbourne Concert as I am now unable to attend. It was purchased by a buyer in the UK! He Is a 0% feedback with only 3 ebay transactions over several years. I actually listed the ticket as ships to Australia. It all seems a little odd to me. What do you think? Do I have to wait and see if he pays or can I cancel him because he is overseas and offer it to the next bidder?
on 09-10-2012 09:02 AM
I would contact ebay and the buyer through ebay messages and either avenue can cancel the sale or mutually agree to cancel the sale if you state that you stipulated only Australia postage with no international postage and that the item is a time sensitive Australian concert ticket.
Alternately you can wait the four days and open a NPB dispute and then you can offer it to the underbidder. If the buyer opens a non performing seller dispute you can supply the pverseas address evidence in your defence. ( I would contact the underbidder first as they may have already purchased another ticket. It may be more prudent to cancel the transaction altogether and relist as concert ticket sales on ebay appear to have an "amount" of scams running and the offer my be mistaken as a scam)
If you check the boxes below then overseas bidders will not be able to bid unless they have a primary postage address in Australia
from ebay summary click on account> seller preferences> buyer requirements>edit and select exclude buyers that have a primary postage address in a location I don't post to
If you don't want to post to certain locations, you can set up postage exclusions as you list but the above musrt also be checked.
on 09-10-2012 09:17 AM
or maybe
...just check with the buyer first that they did not make this mistake.....
...because mostly there is at least one in every crowd;-)
on 09-10-2012 06:42 PM
on 09-10-2012 07:57 PM
Have they gone through checkout yet? If not then their postal address could well be in Australia. If I purchased it on one of my UK accounts then you would not know until I checked out and paid with Paypal that I was actually in Aus (which I will be in 3 weeks and 2 days :^O)
If you did not exclude overseas sales then they would be able to bid with an overseas delivery address, if you had them excluded then they must have an Au delivery address selected prior to bidding.
on 09-10-2012 10:03 PM
You should check with the ticket issuer first if you are allowed to resell the ticket. They may say its ticket scalping to do so. If not then too bad so sad but lets hope you are able to.
on 10-10-2012 12:46 PM
on 10-10-2012 01:27 PM
And to further confuse the situation, I've had a few buyers over the years who have registered in other countries, but now live in Australia.
With today's global economy, people sometimes move to different companies for work and/or family purposes.
on 10-10-2012 01:28 PM
oops...meant to say....
With today's global economy, people sometimes move to different COUNTRIES for work and/or family purposes.