on 11-07-2012 08:36 AM
I sold a football jumper on Saturday night. I picked up the sale on Sunday and noticed that the people had asked me a question about the jumper which I didnt get until Sunday morning. They had already purchased the jumper and I sent through an invoice and said they were welcome to pick up as they didnt live far from me. They said they would come over and turned up with their daughter who would have been about 11 or 12 and the jumper I was selling was size 10. They immediately said it was a size 8 when clearly it was size 10 marked on it. They went about finding faults with the jumper picked this, picked that and they were buying secondhand and very cheaply at the price I sold it for. They were very unreasonable and I honestly dont know what they expected. I told them that if they didnt want it not to worry and we did the cancellation through Ebay. I was annoyed that they had this attitude and sent them a note the other night to tell them to think about what they do and they sent back a nasty note and I replied again and then they gave me an unfair negative. I went through the Ebay process to try and get the negative removed buy the buyer has declined. I have left a positive but warning other sellers about them. I am worried now whether I should try and sell again on Ebay and should close this account and just open a new one. I have a feedback of 1439. I have it private at the moment because I am so upset over this. I dont have any ads on at the moment. I did send the lady a nice email yesterday to ask her if she could remove the negative but she is so heartless. This is a bad experience for me. I dont know what to do. I was good enough to let them come to my house, luckily I didnt let them into the house. There is always someone out there who spoils it for people.
on 11-07-2012 08:50 AM
what rotten luck, and rotten behaviour by them it seems, but then, its your word only, that i have to go by.
Did your buyer agree and do the mutual cancellation of the sale?
If yes, then I was under the impression that once the sale was cancelled, they could not leave any feedback. (???)
You should never leave a negative feedback as a positive green dot... use the *reply to feedback given* option instead, to make your comments to their negs / neutrals.
Try ringing ebay and see if you can have the comment removed as the sale didnt go ahead and was mutually cancelled.
IF it wasnt mutually cancelled, then open an unpaid item dispute and try and issue them with a strike! Add them to you blocked bidders list, and just try your best to move on.
Thats all i can think of to say....
Someone else here will most likely have better advice for you...
on 11-07-2012 08:52 AM
You are over-reacting a bit. Turning your feedback to private just looks shonky. We can still see that you have a neg. The first thing I would do is change that back. As for opening a new account? Again, you are over-reacting.
If you contact ebay help you will get the neg removed. They cannot leave a neg if they didn't pay.
on 11-07-2012 09:06 AM
As they did a mutual agreement to cancel call ebay and they will remove the neg as they agreed to cancel the purchase.
Feedback can still be left for mutual cancellation but not for non payer disputes once closed.
on 11-07-2012 09:11 AM
You say
I have left a positive but warning other sellers about them.
You are now in violation of ebay polices for doing that and if the buyer reports it, it will be removed and you get a black mark against your ID.
The reason there was no neg or neut options for you to pick from is because sellers are NOT allowed to leave them.
And IF the buyer makes feedback private then it would not be visible anyway.
on 11-07-2012 09:19 AM
I was annoyed that they had this attitude and sent them a note the other night to tell them to think about what they do and they sent back a nasty note and I replied again and then they gave me an unfair negative.
Maybe it would have been best to have just left well enough alone....the sale had been cancelled so your email to them was not really necessary and could have been the reason they left a negative when they may not have bothered to leave anything otherwise.
on 11-07-2012 09:26 AM
You should always give measurements in your clothing listing. Then this sort of mess would not happened. If the buyer did not seem to want the item when they were picking it up, you should have just say fine, I will send you cancellation request, which will let you out of the obligation to buy. End of story. Why let cheap item problem escalate to this?
And no, eBay will not most likely remove the NEG, unless it is something abusive, against the rules.
Mutual cancellation does not remove the right of leaving FB.
on 11-07-2012 09:51 AM
I have to agree with Rumple I am afraid. The buyer did not sound like the a very fair person, and they should not have denied the mutual cancellation, however, depending on the tone of the email you sent them, perhaps that did anger them enough to neg. While communication is upper most in this game, it has to be done in the right way. By all means, go ahead with the advice given re - UPI, but just for future ref, sometimes best to leave well enough alone, good luck.
on 11-07-2012 09:57 AM
we did the cancellation through Ebay
So you sent them a Mutual Cancellation & they agreed-correct?
If so,you can't now open an unpaid item dispute-it was one or the other.
As for all your other 'mistakes'-hopefully when you calm down a bit you may see things differently.
on 11-07-2012 10:13 AM
OK thanks everyone. I have been a member of Ebay for 11 years and know how it all works. These people were disgraceful how they spoke to me on Sunday about the jumper. I now cannot turn my feedback back from private so I dont know and I am at work so havent time to fiddle around with pages trying to find it. I have calmed down but it is hard enough these days to even get a sale let alone now that I have negative feedback left against me.