on 12-06-2015 10:27 AM
With nothing having changed on my end, I don't understand why my ebay sales have crashed ... down to about 15% of what they were before ... profit on my sales now barely cover my monthly ebay anchor store costs ... I'm now earning LESS than $1 per hour !
on 13-06-2015 01:35 PM
Becasue most of the deals on ebay are dodgy, if a seller selling fake items and ebay making a lot of money out of him, they let him list his items despite negative feedback and compains. Ebay even removes negative feedback you left only because ebay makes money. There's a seller from HK selles fake watches for thousands of dollars, I have bought 2, returned them becasue they were fake, ebay removed my feedback in both cases.
on 13-06-2015 02:05 PM
I have googled Facebook selling and thank you again for prompting me to go down that road.
on 13-06-2015 02:17 PM
unfortunately ebay is no longer the viable option for online selling, it used to be for me anyhow but not so much anymore, good luck with facebook and I am glad I could help you with my suggestion, the trick will be promoting your fan page or spreading the word however these days on ebay you more or less have to do that also just to be seen
on 13-06-2015 03:43 PM
Same with me and a friend of mine sales are 20% of what they usually are,i have had no sales this month, my friend has had 5 sales all from victoria, all in the last 5 days .paying for a store but it is beginning to be not worth it anymore
on 13-06-2015 04:47 PM
Yes we are going to look at how/if sales improve on this ID during July.
If it keeps on going the way it has been for the past couple of months we will consider this ID to be financially un-viable and will have to close it down.
Does not make economic sense to keep paying even the basic store fees when sales barely cover those fees let alone our other operating expenses.
Our other store is barely keeping its head above water at the moment.
You simply cannot keep trading when sales are this low. We are about 90% down on normal for this time of year. We are close to working for nothing at the moment.
on 13-06-2015 05:24 PM
on 13-06-2015 05:30 PM
I thought ebay wouldn't let you have stores that are competing against each other?
I thought you couldn't sell the same things in both stores?
At least that's what they argued told me
on 13-06-2015 07:40 PM
The tragedy is that IF ebay falls over, is that a company that had huge potential will have failed and thousands of sellers who have trusted ebay and built their businesses around the ebay model would fail with ebay ... let alone the ebay staff who cannot escape the same fate as sellers IF ebay were to fail.
on 13-06-2015 07:46 PM
Ebay is way to big to ever fail or fall over,for every disgruntled seller there is 1000's of happy sellers.
on 13-06-2015 07:52 PM