on 05-06-2015 08:02 PM
Over the last 18-24 months, l have noticed an extra amount of effort and forethought that has been required by ebay Seller's to list items to Sell. Many factors have brought this about, a number due to changes in the structure by ebay themselves.
However, some have been brought about by the pure greed and unprofessional behavior of a number of ebay Sellers who have made it harder for those doing the right thing.
One reason has been the postage issue change, brought about by ebay because some sellers were posting and item @99c and then charging $25.00 for postage, to help cover any loss through the 99c sale, if it did not increase in auction time.
The amount of negative media coverage through paper, tv media, and written articles in journals. A quick search through google will show you many of the concerns of the Buying public in relation to ebay, here, and in the USA & UK. These facts do not do well for Sellers trying to make a "living" or make a hobby a $ profitable outcome.
ebay's New MBG has just added fuel to the fire, along with an increase in Fee structure, ebay Shop costs, AP Mailing costs, and the behind the scene costs that we do not always see or take into account, e.g. taking parcels and postage to the local AP mail outlet, vehicle running costs, etc.
Bubble wrap, envelopes, printing labels, printer cart/ink, assembly of said item, etc, etc, all take time and effort, then there is ebay to pay at or near the end of your month, next month, it starts all over again.
Those Sellers, ( and they know who they are ) who do not do the right thing by their Buyer, create an environment that is then very hard for those doing the right thing, to survive in. Some Buyers still believe in once bitten, twice shy.
So why is it getting harder to Sell and remail "afloat" here on ebay ? Anyone else have some thoughts or advice ?
on 18-06-2015 06:00 PM
@casbit33 wrote:
Don't they realize that they would make more money if all listings were free. There would be a lot more items for sale. More sales. More $$$$$. It's not rocket science - just common sense.
No it would be full of junk that just goes around and around for years, just like quicksales. Buyers would leave in droves. your items would not get found as they would be on page 550 out of a 1000
19-06-2015 12:45 AM - edited 19-06-2015 12:46 AM
on 19-06-2015 08:33 AM
on 03-05-2016 08:38 AM
The reason its harder to sell on ebay is because of the latest technology, I Pads I Phones and all these gadgets have fried peoples brains and instead of people communicating and evolving they are de-volving . Before people used to make an effort and call about a car , Now everyone just texts , This is not good for our future . This latest technology has taken us away from evolving and communicating
on 03-05-2016 11:48 AM
on 03-05-2016 02:23 PM
32MB of RAM? How pov! I was the flavour of the street because I had 64MB!!! Didn't make a lot of difference with my dial up 33.3kbs modem though. I hated it when you were half way through downloading something and the blastard phone would ring, cutting you off. Not that you could download that much with a 2GB hard drive. It makes me laugh now that we paid a fortune for our computer with 2GB of HDD and now you can get a thumb drive with 2GB for about $4.
Imagine trying to use eBay with our first computers! It would take a week just to upload one photo, let alone 12!
on 03-05-2016 02:59 PM
on 03-05-2016 03:42 PM
My first one had Windoze 3.11. When I upgraded to 95, I was amazed that you could have more than one thing open at a time. Email AND a single web browser (in my case, Netscrape)! It took me a few weeks to get used to that, I kept shutting the browser down to check the email.
I only got rid of my old one in the last couple of years. I wasn't using it and I needed the room it was taking up. I did play games on it for awhile, but then found it wasn't being used at all. I've still got the HDD in a drawer somewhere (not that I could ever get anything off it, it was pretty big and chunky compared to the slim ones in the laptop.
I've still got a box of floppy disks too. Do computers still come with a floppy drive?
on 03-05-2016 04:05 PM
Do computers still come with a floppy drive?
I haven't seen one in years, but you can buy a plug in thingy, (I forget what it is called) which will hold a floppy disk.
For those who still have floppies. I threw all mine out a while back.
on 03-05-2016 05:18 PM
my first puter had a massive 1.2gb hard drive! and that whizzo windows 95 with the video clip from happy days. i must have watched that 50 times in the first week.
now ive got an 'old' vista comp with 2 1tb drives lol and i'm constantly getting reminded 'we wont be supporting your system much longer'
but prices have dropped a lot, shouldnt need to spend $2,500 next time.
i have a floppy drive in my computer bits cupboard still in its wrapping.
went through the constantly burning dvds where i installed 2 burners to make it quicker. havent burnt anything in months now.
easier to stick a usb drive in or an external hard disc.