What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

Message i'm getting from eBay - "Update listings to comply with our photo policy and improve your chaces of selling".   When I go to the info link, it says that the info page has been moved.    I've been uploading photos in the same format for 5 years without problems so either there is a new 'rule'  I don't know about or this is the usual Friday tinkering?   Can anyone enlighten me?

Message 1 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

The photo requirements were updated a while ago and they will all be enforced from Feb.


There's more info in the Seller Centre


Message 2 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

I got similar notices a week or so ago, with the same result (page not responding) when I tried to see which listings they were for. I have it for item condition as well, as I have a few older items listed as New Without Tags, but the pictures one has me stumped.... Most images I upload are 1000 x 1000 pixels, with just a few that have been 600-800, no text or logos etc, so they should meet the requirements already. o_O


The notice disappeared for a week, but now it's back.

Message 3 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

I had one a few weeks ago where the background was allegedly too dark. Even though a light background is only a recommendation. I cropped that one, but I have another 4 showing now, PLUS 846 of 870 allegedly without a condition.

Message 4 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

Dave, it would be a Condition Description, the extra field that you can add at the top to used listings.

Message 5 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

Thank you seller-eBay for the response, but that still doesn't tell me what is actually wrong with my pictures - I upload at least a couple of good shots, often more, including close-ups of garments every time - and always have, for years,  without any problems.  So how do they not meet the new requirements?  What is the specific problem?



Message 6 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

Previous post should have said thanks to sportandplay for the response and for the link to sellercentre guidelines.  But as I appear already to comply with their requirements I still don't understand the problem.


Message 7 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

@catpangur wrote:

Thank you seller-eBay for the response, but that still doesn't tell me what is actually wrong with my pictures - I upload at least a couple of good shots, often more, including close-ups of garments every time - and always have, for years,  without any problems.  So how do they not meet the new requirements?  What is the specific problem?



what are the size of your pictures?


No borders, text or artwork on pictures By February 2014 July 2013 for eBay Deals
 Minimum size of 500 pixels on the longest side By February 2014 July 2013 for eBay Deals
 Watermarks policy By February 2014

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 8 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

5. 500 pixels is the minimum picture size but what is the recommended size?

We highly recommend a picture size of at least 1600 pixels on the longest side. This helps ensure the zoom and enlarge features can be used to give buyers a good look at the item. Most modern digital cameras and smartphones can produce at least this size image. We also recommend that you do not compress the photo before uploading it to eBay.




apart from that, if you have ticked all the compliance boxes in that link, ring eBay and ask them cos it says here




14. How will I know if my pictures comply?


When uploading your pictures into your listing using the sell your item or similar listing tool, weโ€™ll identify pictures that do not comply and provide guidance on what needs to be changed.





Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 9 of 18
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Re: What's this message? "Update listings to comply with photo policy"?

It looks like it's not your first gallery pics but your second and third photos that are the problem, They are too small. I have to do a lot of mine also.

Message 10 of 18
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