on โ30-04-2013 01:28 PM
Not sure what happed but guess ebay has made some changes on search results. My sales dropped about 50% recently. Anyone has noticed that?
on โ30-04-2013 11:47 PM
What do you think the main reason is?? I'm thinking the (more) insane new postage costs are the main culprit.
on โ01-05-2013 06:29 AM
Sign this petition about the postage cost increase
on โ01-05-2013 07:25 AM
Hi kustom-65, I have no idea what the reason is. I cannot imagine it is the new postage costs, as they go up so often. A lot of what I sell has "free postage" anyway.
It might be to do with the new searching or maybe the new changes that start from today 1st.
Also I am wondering if items are visible? Black hole somewhere maybe? ๐ฎ
on โ01-05-2013 10:15 AM
Wouldn't be because someone else in advertising on TV, would it ????
Nah !!!!!!
on โ01-05-2013 10:19 AM
I've been racking my brains all April at my terrible sales, the worst in 7 years and its not the postage cost. I've stopped selling to overseas as I've had too many items go astray and Aust Post don't pay compensation unless you pay for registered and signed so the cost is massive and overseas buyers won't pay that cost.
I have noticed that when I put on over 60 listings my sales are terrible and buyers are not watching either but when I put under 40 listings my sales pick up, could be just a coincidence but this week has been good.
Hope someone can work it out.
on โ01-05-2013 10:20 AM
I have started a new topic of Australia Post, please check here: http://community.ebay.com.au/topic/Selling/Want-Rid-Australia/600158761
on โ01-05-2013 10:45 AM
Anybody with reduced sales on Ebay should look at creating their own website. I took the plunge about 7 months or so ago, and have now started our second. Sales have continued steadily to increase, and the cost is just sooooooooooooooooo much less than here! Without any knowledge whatsoever on what to do, I was easily able to build the major part of the sites within just a few days, and for just a few hundred dollars for the year. It's not the economy which is affecting sales nearly as much as this Ebay site - Our website sales (& B&M) have steadily increased whilst our ebay sales have dramatically decreased. Only last year we had 4 Ebay stores simultaneously running, whereas of today, it will be one & reducing to ZERO within the coming months. Yehhhhhhh, no more Paypal disputes, feedback extortion (another one this morning), UPI's (8 at the moment), stupid questions (the ones which only ebay can produce!), and the constant changing. Not to mention, hardly any sales!!! Hope this can inspire some sellers to make the transition back into the real world. Paul
on โ01-05-2013 10:59 AM
Hi thebahnfind. Interesting idea, I wouldn't even know where to start, so good for you. I had a look at what you sell and as they are highly collectible items, not sure that my books would be worthwhile having my own site. But I am going to look into what is out there in "website land".
Hi anniebella63, mine is the opposite to yours the more items I have listed the more I sell, but that is a time thing for me.
Hi love_station I will have a look at your link.
I am just hoping it is a hiccup until this new fee structure kicks in, and people get used to the new searching look.
on โ01-05-2013 02:10 PM
Hi Mccrae, my first website is for brand new items, which I used to sell on ebay. I find links to and from other sites a great way to get exposure, as well as great key words which a potential buyer would key into a google search the most critical elements. The new site is for collectables and accommodation, that's why I kept the two sites separate! All the best in your endeavours:-)
on โ01-05-2013 02:26 PM
Ok, I'm over this place, I sell a wide variety of items, mostly vintage and of that a high percentage is low value items. Now with ebay wanting 10% listing fee on a $15 item with no guarantee it will sell, it just isn't worth the hassle and sales are are only averaging 50%. I'm looking elsewhere.