What would you do?

A couple of years ago I had a rival (who had sent messages and made contact to our website with snide comments) buy an item. When I realised who it was I cancelled the sale as in the order record there was an a message from eBay saying 'there is a problem with this address'. This rival attempted to leave negative feedback but because the feedback was abusive it was removed by eBay.


Fast forward to today and I see a sale from the same surname for an item that the rival sells on eBay, perhaps in his daughter's name. I now wonder what I should do about this if anything? Do I send the item and see what happens, or contact eBay with a heads up at least?  When this happened years ago I blocked the rival on all the accounts they have. Would it be classed as opening another account to get around eBay's policies? I can't check their feedback given as they have this private, as with their other buying accounts. 

Message 1 of 18
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What would you do?

I'd report the buyer, and cancel and use "issue with buyer's address".

Message 11 of 18
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What would you do?

communicate with eBay, not the 'buyer'.


Let eBay deal with the circumvention of a blocked ID.



Message 12 of 18
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What would you do?

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately when you choose the options, there is no option select 'buyer used another ID to get around blocks'. The only options are the following;


Next, tell us what happened

Buyer demanded something that was not offered in my listing
Buyer made a false claim
Buyer misused returns
Buyer messaged me or retracted their bid with no intention of buying my item
Does anyone know how to actually talk to a person at eBay these days, all their help page does is take you around in circles? 
Message 13 of 18
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What would you do?

The “false claim” might be as close as you can get…?


Otherwise, Live Chat may be your only option. You should be able to ask for a supervisor to report buyer circumventing blocks.

The Help page detailing this behaviour as against policy is https://www.ebay.com.au/help/policies/member-behavior-policies/violation-ebay-user-agreement-policy?...

Members must not create additional accounts to circumvent selling restrictions, buying limits, suspension, or to manipulate any site feature.


There’s also this:


Unwelcome and malicious buying: We consider bidding on or buying an item when you have no intention of completing the transaction, or circumventing a seller's buyer requirements, to be unwelcome and malicious buying.


and this:



❝Using multiple accounts: Registering new accounts or using other existing accounts to avoid buying restrictions or limits or other policy consequences is not allowed. See our Multiple accounts policyfor more information.❞




Message 14 of 18
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What would you do?

Actually this is a big thing - according with eBay T&C ( the ones nobody reads) any seller on eBay is forbidden to buy from a competitor. Regardless if they leave feedback or not and regardless if the item bought is a competitive item or not and regardless if they use a different account.
If a seller does and you notify them and you can prove is a competitor,  their account is suspended immediately.

You should follow up with eBay on this


Message 15 of 18
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What would you do?

Do have a link to show where "any seller on eBay is forbidden to buy from a competitor".

Message 16 of 18
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What would you do?

LOL - that ' seller ' becomes the ' buyer ' - the buyer is always right.

Message 17 of 18
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What would you do?

Just an update on this. So the 'buyer' did leave negative feedback as I expected. Saying things like 'fraudulent seller, do NOT buy from this seller' etc. Thankfully eBay removed the negative, although at first they were only going to remove the words not the rating. I did not report the buyer as I know that would have likely led to more 'revenge' from him because it is obvious he has a very malicious streak. I admit that I was worried that he would get someone else to buy to leave a neg but so far nothing. Thanks for all the input. 

Message 18 of 18
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