on 13-11-2013 01:22 PM
on 16-11-2013 08:45 AM
Punch I have just figured it out. Windows did some updates to my computer and it has been like this for me ever since.
My darling husband fixed it for me this morning.
In your tools menu in Internet Explorer you go to Compatibility View Settings
You have to add ebay.com.au to this. Click ok. The screen will reload and standard and html are back and the listings look normal!
Problem solved 🙂
Some people see things as they are and say why, I dream things that never were and say, why not? RFK
on 13-11-2013 01:32 PM
on 13-11-2013 01:33 PM
There are two tabs at the top of the box, you need to click on the one that says Standard.
on 13-11-2013 01:35 PM
on 13-11-2013 01:35 PM
on 13-11-2013 02:07 PM
on 13-11-2013 02:11 PM
All ok here. Are you starting a listing from scratch or is it the same if you use Sell Similar?
on 13-11-2013 02:14 PM
on 13-11-2013 02:19 PM
on 13-11-2013 02:23 PM
Either that or the next fee will be we'll have to pay to see the Standard view. Or take some html lessons. 🙂