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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

As a Individual seller I am absoutely disgusted with the behaviour of eBay Australia profiteering in the height of a crisis.

Whilst people are struggling to make ends meet eBay insists on charging full fees for listings which have to be passed on to their buyers. Makes you wonder if eBay has a social conscience after so many years of grand profits.

We all have a responsibility to help in a crisis. Profiteering in a crisis may lead to a quick surge in profits but it will definitely leave a stain on buyers and sellers perception of eBay as a whole.


As a seller I can afford to hold out and pull all my listings off until the eBay greed stops but that is only means that buyers are deprived of much needed goods at prices at half the price of retail. Meanwhile eBay is not getting a cent in commission. So there are no winners just losers. 

Your thoughts?



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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

@yourbargainspot wrote:
i believe 10% selling fee is not fair


I've sold hundreds of items on eBay and some at very good prices and if I had sent them to a local auction


would have most likely ended up with a lot less as well as being charged the minimum 10% commission that any


auction house charges and others charge 15 to 20%

Most now also charge a 10% buyers premium so that makes it 20% all up.

I have also bought books at local auctions for $2 per box and sold them on eBay for up to $137.50 per book so

for me the 10% is fine as I made a $120 plus profit compared to the person who sold at auction who got $1.90


for the whole box.


It must also be fine for all the other sellers who still sell on this site as well as they are still here and they have


the option to quit if they aren't happy.good.gif

As for the Op they obviously didn't get any $1.10 FVF listings for a while so trying to drum up a bit of support


maybe by making a ludicrous statement that's totally false as profiteering is making extra money above what

would/should normally be charged and eBay hasn't done that.stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif


Message 11 of 17
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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

Community Member

Ebay should blacklist profiteerers. Just have a look at toilet paper prices on here. Absolutely disgusting and they're low down dogs.

Message 12 of 17
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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

@ubelly wrote:

Ebay should blacklist profiteerers. Just have a look at toilet paper prices on here. Absolutely disgusting and they're low down dogs.

Maybe try reading the multitude of threads on the subject first and you would find that eBay are taking action


against the profiteers and as you obviously missed it the price gouging policy:

Message 13 of 17
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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

They did have a $1.10 final value fee fiasco about 3 weeks ago - was good.


Free insertions until June **.


New business sellers also have a new 3 month fee free promo to use - would be very nice for those that qualify.


At least something is being offered.

Message 14 of 17
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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

@tennis_bagel wrote:

They did have a $1.10 final value fee fiasco about 3 weeks ago - was good.


Free insertions until June **.


New business sellers also have a new 3 month fee free promo to use - would be very nice for those that qualify.


At least something is being offered.

And ALL sellers are eligible for the 250,000 free listings until 30 June.


Admittedly that did happen after this thread was current. But the OP wanted cheap FVFs because they somehow thought an American company, based financially in Switzerland, should be reducing their income by offering way less than standard selling fees.

Message 15 of 17
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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

Ebay - Please make your fees higher as "eBay insists on charging full fees for listings which have to be passed on to their buyers"


Higher fees will mean higher prices from sellers which will mean my sales will increase even more on the other sites i sell on - has never been better on the other sites and i can undercut sellers off ebay by 70% and am able to come out ahead and make RAW PROFIT as i pay no fees whatsever and don't get scammed by ebay money back guarantee or paypal.


So ebay- your fees are not high enough - please raise them as it helps me big time.


Sales here last year at this time were beyond pathetic and i though the market had disappeared so i stopped selling here - BOY WAS I WRONG - sales on the other sites are BOOMING and FEE FREE and the power has been given back to the SELLER.




Thank You For Your Understanding


Happy Camper


P.S pickupandsave please hold your items back as it gives the impression there is nothing for sale here and drives buyers to alternative sites-thank you for your understanding.

Message 16 of 17
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When will eBay Australia stop profiteering in a crisis and cap FVF fees @ $1.10 per listing

I complain about toll prices - I own shares in TransUrban

I complain about bank fees - I own shares in ANZ

I complain about groceries - I own shares in Woolworths

I complain about eBay - I own shares in eBay

I complain about Australia Post - I wish I could buy shares


If you can't beat them - join them.



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