on 30-11-2014 11:35 PM
I previously posted a detailed message of what is wrong with Ebay at the moment, titled Sellers are abused by Ebay dictatorship style
I feel like I need to take it one step further as I was paying for a subscription for the Anchor Store which should provide for unlimited number of listings.
This is a binding contract.
Ebay placed a restriction on my account or a selling limit of 2000 items only.
They breached the contract.
Does anyone know where can I submit a complaint?
on 30-11-2014 11:40 PM
on 30-11-2014 11:43 PM
on 06-12-2014 01:01 PM
Do you want to continue selling on ebay or not?
if yes then SHUT UP!
If no then you can find easily many ways!
But the best way is if sellers on ebay create their own organization and all united, protect and promote our rights.