Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

This is only from my own personal experience as a seller and may not be the general rule. Our bad buyers are only around 5%, so it would not matter to us in the greater scheme of things, but it certainly does matter to Ebay, so that is why we now have to BLOCK every BUYER who DEFECTS us,even if they do leave POSITIVE feedback. Why keep buying ... and keep defecting us?


Sad to say, ... these are our problem buyers: 


1. People receiving carer's pensions for looking after someone else who is disabled.

2. Disabled or very ill [not the aged] people who are on pensions.

3. Those on pensions for 'mental illness.' [Ebay staff are known to have particular empathy with these buyers. :)]

4. Unemployed.

5. Buyers 1-4 who take revenge using multiple accounts, usually because we refused to allow them to scam us.


6. Sellers who feel that we may be competing with them and feel annoyed. Usually spend 1.25.


In regards to 1-5, they've got time on their hands. They may or may not end up leaving Neg. or even defecting us, but even if they do not do that, they can still be a nuisance. They will usually spend an average of 1.25 and then whine for days about when the item will be arriving, sending "I Haven't Recieved My Item' emails after a couple of days. They will nearly always try to get a refund outside of the Paypal or Ebay system, so their multiple scams, are not left on record, except through their emails to the seller.


And Ebay supports this activity, because sellers are now defected when cases are opened at Paypal by buyers. Am I correct?


Not much we can do about who shops with us, and we would not want to discriminate against the above buyers either because there are good buyers who are in the 1-4 category. But our BLOCKED list grows longer by the day. My experiemce also shows that DEFECTS don't mean anything to other buyers, since our sales are still doing fine. BUT once Ebay hides our inventory again, the DEFECTS will mean something, because our sales will drop. Sometimes we do make mistakes [which we try to rectify], but mostly DEFECTS have nothing to do with who we are as a seller, and everything to do with our REFUSING liars and scammers.


We also now immediately BLOCK BUYERS who send rude, aggressive or idiotic emails when asking a question about an item.


The GOOD NEWS is that 95% of our BUYERS are AWESOME, but Ebay's SYSTEM, means that the 5% can IMPACT our selling.



Message 1 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

How on earth do you know the social/employment/financial status of your buyers? 

Message 21 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

They don't - gross generalisations.


Buyer: Not as nice as picture Also offensive religious card with package!



Great Item! Buyer Is A Satanist. To Avoid Upset Don't Shop At A Christian Store!


Not a very Christian response.



Message 22 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

oh my Smiley Surprised

Message 23 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

@am*3 wrote:

They don't - gross generalisations.


Buyer: Not as nice as picture Also offensive religious card with package!



Great Item! Buyer Is A Satanist. To Avoid Upset Don't Shop At A Christian Store!


Not a very Christian response.



Sometimes they do, see my earlier reply!


Looking at the OP's feedback left for others, I agree with cats in that it's those kinds of hard to please buyers that are creating the defects. 32 negatives and 11 neutrals given in the last 6 months. That's one unlucky buyer! While some of them may be justified, I don't know what went on, but 32??!!!

Message 24 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

They write and tell us ... all about their lives and sufferings etc.

Message 25 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

Not a gross generalisation. They tell us. Best not to make assumptions without knowing the facts. In regards to your posting our feedback and response here ...your ID pic and hidden feedback says it all. Hypocrite
Message 26 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

1. They tell us. 2. We don't ask. 3. Ebay management told us. Best not to make assumptions before giving us a chance to answer your questions.
Message 27 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

They tell us who they are in emails. Yours is a defensive response that has obviously not been thought out, with kudos from 3 others in a similar situation, who read this thread. If you don't do this kind of thing to sellers yourself, then you have nothing to be angry or defensive about.
Message 28 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

Longer version ... We bulk buy from dozens of sellers on a regular basis on multiple accounts, spending thousands of dollars. I've left that many 5 STAR GLOWING POSITIVE FEEDBAKS for EBAY SELLERS as a buyer, that the lettering on my keyboard has faded.


Perhaps you might like tro count them up, although you will need more than your fingers and toes in order to do that ...


In comparison, the occasional Neg. feedback I leave as a buyer, is an indication that there are still bad sellers on Ebay, alas.


While I write here from a seller's perspective, I've also been ripped off as a buyer, which is why I can sympathise with buyers and therefore treat them how I would like to be treated myself. ps; Your ability to be a detecrtive on Ebay continues to astound me. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 29 of 78
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Who Are The Buyers Giving Defects? My Experience Only.

Longer version ... We bulk buy from dozens of sellers on a regular basis on multiple accounts, spending thousands of dollars. I've left that many 5 STAR GLOWING POSITIVE FEEDBAKS for EBAY SELLERS as a buyer, that the lettering on my keyboard has faded.


Perhaps you might like tro count them up, although you will need more than your fingers and toes in order to do that ...


In comparison, the occasional Neg. feedback I leave as a buyer, is an indication that there are still bad sellers on Ebay, alas.


While I write here from a seller's perspective, I've also been ripped off as a buyer, which is why I can sympathise with buyers and therefore treat them how I would like to be treated myself. ps; Your ability to be a detective on Ebay continues to astound me. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 30 of 78
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