on โ28-10-2013 05:34 PM
I may be missing something here but, as far I was aware there are 40 free listings per month. If i list anything over these items I get charged $1.50 per item, so why when I have listed my first item in MONTHS have I been charged the $1.50 fee?
Anyone eble to shed light on this?
on โ28-10-2013 05:50 PM
Check on your All Selling page in My eBay. It should show how many of your free listings you've used/have left. You can also check in your Seller Account to see if you were actually charged for the listing.
on โ30-10-2013 10:49 AM
I've definitely been charged for the listings, it's coming up on my account balance.
Can't see on my account where it tells me how many free listings I have left, but I have only listed these 2 items in the last 3 months.
on โ30-10-2013 10:56 AM
Ok, I think it's solved now.
When i listed the two items I was charged for I had only just changed my location from the UK to Aus (having just moved), so potentially I was still be being charged as an overseas seller, not sure if that makes a difference. But now, 2 days after I changed my location, I am not being charged. Whatever the reason it all seems to be working now