on โ16-11-2012 03:45 PM
I'm about to start selling a small product to ship worldwide. I've noticed a lot of sellers not shipping to Italy, Germany, and all of Africa?
Are these areas particularly fraudulent? Are there other problems? Is there a list of "danger" countries to avoid that I can find?
Thanks for your help, I don't want to get burned.
on โ16-11-2012 03:53 PM
With some countries there are problems with the postal system and/or customs and sellers may receive negative feedback for problems that aren't their fault. The only country I refuse to sell to is Nigeria which is a well known home for scammers.
on โ16-11-2012 03:53 PM
Italy apparently has a bad reputation for mail theft by postal workers,Africa usually means Nigerian scammer & Germans don't have to have Paypal.
Thats about all I know.
on โ16-11-2012 04:06 PM
on โ16-11-2012 04:33 PM
The South African postal system is hopeless! Slow, strikes and totally disorganised. We have had more problems with South African parcels than with any other country in the world.
I've stopped selling internationally. Too many hassles for too little return.
on โ16-11-2012 04:58 PM
I am not sure which countries are the problem as I don't ship internationally but I do know some have no tracking beyond customs. It is too easy for the buyer to claim it was not received even when it was.
However, if the item you sell is not too expensive and you can afford to risk the loss you could always give Italy and Germany a try and see how it goes.
on โ17-11-2012 12:22 PM
Because of the known problems with Italian post, I don't buy from Italy. Apart from ebay, I have sent postcards from Italy to Oz, and I have arrived home weeks before they arrived.