Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

I listed 2 items in the wrong category & ebay has put a restriction on my account....I did this accidently & now restricted from listing these items for 3 day's....I would have expected ebay to notify me & make me aware of my error as it was not to my benefit having these items listed in the wrong category....maybe let me rectify the problem first....anyone else had this problem..

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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

@eleanor2051 wrote:

anyone else had this problem..

Quite a few, I would say, but getting eBay to reverse such a decision or lift the restriction is nigh impossible. I too would rather see warning notifications issued in these kinds of circumstances, but eBay has decided on the shoot first, ask / answer no questions after strategy, sadly. ๐Ÿ˜ž



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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

Community Member

Recently, I inadvertently included a link to a web site in background history of a piece of pottery I listed.  It was removed by e-Bay with admonitions about the web link.  Fair enough - but there were no restrictions, just revise.


Surely eBay could apply the same rationale to those who list in an incorrect category in error.



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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

You were a very naughty girl and you must be punished. Go into a quiet corner and think about the dastardly thing you did. Shameful !!! Wicked !!!  You made a mistake. Give us a break ebay.  Surely, an email explainlng that you have miscategorised the item, then telling them suggested categories and just leave it at that.  ๐Ÿ˜ž

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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

I had an item in the wrong category and they sent me an email and said to relist it in the correct spot.

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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

Violations can be overturned, but it can be a lot of work.


I once received a listing violation for a listing that was scheduled to start some two weeks after I received the violation.  The violation was for keyword spamming, and all the emails kept on about buyers having my item appear in their search results, an even playing field and treating all members equally . . . . . and it took quite a few phone calls and emails to get eBay to see that my item was not searchable because it was not yet live.


I had to point them in the direction of about a couple of dozen live listings that were in contravention of the same keyword spamming policy as me yet the listings had been live for anything from 7 to 27 days.


I argued that until my listing went live that I had the opportunity to edit the title, and eventually, they accepted that I should not have received the violation unless my listing went live with the offending title.


So, find multiple examples of other listings that are guilty of exactly the same thing.  It is better if they are listings that have been running for at least a few days and are from big sellers.  This helps you to point out that that the rule is not being applied equally and they are not maintaining a level playing field.


I wish you luck with having the restrictions lifted.

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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

3 days ???????    You got off lightly. I had an account restricted for a week for suppposedly listing one item in the wrong catagory. It was a specialist collectable item that ebay CS had not even heard off ( and listed correctly ). No amount of pleading helped. I had the same thing happen last week ( item in wrong catagory ) and this time just had my listing pulled and sent a warning. Once this happens I am not game to relist the item at all as it just seems to cause more problems.

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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

While not defending ebay, you have to ask yourself how does ebay know you "accidently" listed in wrong catergory....it either is or isn't.

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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

@bsal6160 wrote:

While not defending ebay, you have to ask yourself how does ebay know you "accidently" listed in wrong catergory....it either is or isn't.

Given the significant amount of trumpeting eBay does regarding seller performance and the information they have on record - track record of a seller should speak for itself.


If a seller does not have previous violations on record  and their selling performance is of good standing, then their track record should be taken into consideration by bots or T&S BEFORE suspending an account.  An auto alert with countdown to removal could be implemented - ain't that hard.







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Will ebay lift a restriction on my account because I accidently listed 2 items in the wrong category

considering the thousands of items listed in the wrong category that ebay ignores, I suggest the op has been dobbed in by a rival seller.

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