a most disrespectful business

This may be the last time I post in these pages. I have often thought about giving eBay the middle finger salute and taking my business elsewhere, but like an abused spouse I just seem to keep coming back. Before I throw in the towel for good tho, I would like to explain my reasons to someone who, unlike the many helpdesk workers I have spoke to in the last month, may be willing to listen to me.


Perhaps my experience might strike a chord with some of you. If so, I'd like to hear from you.


I have been an ebay seller for over 10 years, turning over about $8000 a month. What started as a hobby has now become my primary income - all legit with the tax office too. Until recently I was considering expanding my business and possibly employing someone to assist with mundane chores such as data enrty and answering questions.


In the last month I have seen my seller performance drop to below average, lost my power seller status, and am now unable to list under my ebay store subscrition. All of this inspite of an excellent DSR and consistently high feedback.


The reason has to do with recent policy changes which make it impossible for me to invoice my buyers with the correct postage charges.


Over the last few months certain functions have been removed from the checkout postage. At varying times the 'request combined postage' option has disappeared from the checkout, as has the 'send revised invoice' feature from selling manager. Up until very recently the 'send invoice to buyer' was also removed from the bottom of email notifications. In some instances buyers report being required to make immediate payment through paypal, even tho this condition was not stipulated by me in the listing. And god help anyone using a phone app that wishes to make multiple purchases. There seems ot be no choice but to pay multiple lots of postage and then complain about being overcharged..


This is where it starts to unravel. These changes all seem to have come since eBay decided it was fair to charge sellers a pecentage of the shipping fee, even tho this is a cost, which must be carried by the buyer or the seller, not a profit to which ebay would be rightly entitled to its fair share. I wouldn't be so cynical as to suggest that ebay are playing this to their advantage by making it harder for sellers to offer combined shipping, but I'll admit that the thought has crossed my mind.


Under current policy, a seller who initiates a paypal refund where there is no dispute incurrs a 'defect' on the transaction. The same thing happens if you cancel a transaction specifying out of stock as a reason. (The second option - buyer has requested a refund or changed his their mind is often confusiing to buyers who must agree to the cancellation in order for the seller to recoup their fees.) 


In recent months I have had a couple of large sales where the buyer has overpaid and requested a refund, or, seeing the excessive total in the checkout has elected to pay by 'other'. In these instances the only option for me is to refund the payment in total or cancel the sale. To comply with ebay policy as best I can I tried relisting combined orders under the title PRIVATE SALE and included the correct price and fixed postage price in the listing. That seemed to work, the buyers paid the correct shipping and ebay collected the appropriate fee.


As a result of this my April performance evaluation put me below standard. I can't relist items as they expire or create any new listings, and the sudden drop-off in sales indicates that my items fallen to the bottom of the search results. I have contacted customer support on an almost daily basis and sent numerous emails. I am yet to speak to the same representative twice, and the responses I get to my emails, at least the ones written in a version of english that's recognisable, indicate that the they havent read, or understood the question.


On the odd occasion where I've felt like I've made some progress, I've then received different advice from the next rep. For instance I was told that once my seller evaluation returned an above avarage result I could request a higher selling limit. Nuh-uh. My last evaluation puts me at 'above standard' and when I spoke to trust and safety I was told I need to wait another 30 days. "Before we can increase your selling limit, we need to make sure that you are consistent giving excellent products and services to your buyers."


For the sake of ever loving f###. I have been consistently giving excellent service to my buyers for over 10 years with many repeat customers. If eBay simply dont want my money I guess thats an outcome I'd just have to deal with. But when they cant be bothered, or are incapable of dealing with a problem that goes a little off-script, it is just plain frustrating. Even more fristrating is this is a problem THEY CREATED.


Presently I have a leaking roof, my car rego is due and it doesn't look like I'll be able to make my mortgage payment this month.


I guess this was bound to happen, so my advice to anyone with inititative and a sensible business idea considering opening an ebay store is just dont bother. Unless you are dop-shipping cheap plastic gizmo's out of a factory in southern China, its just not worth the agony.


Thanks for listening to my story. If anyone from eBay is employed to moderate these forums, and suffficiently connected within the larger business to bring my complaint to the attention of someone who doesn't work in a call centre, I'd like to hear from you also.







Message 1 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

Regarding getting defects for the reason "Out of stock", why don't you instead put a slightly less quanity instead of going over the amount of inventory you have?


Even if your stock goes down to 0 you won't lose your listing with selling history if you have Out of Stock option turned on.



Message 21 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

I have written this because I think that many very successful sellers on Ebay who understand the return and defect policies and also understand the various consequences, and have never gone below 2% defect rate, let alone the 5% defect rate, simply cannot understand or even connect to the angst and upset being experienced by many small sellers at the hands of the new seller defect system. I have also written this to say, yes, it has happened to me, and neither myself nor the OP are defective in any way - it is Ebay who are defective.

I have gone below standard once for Germany store (I had too many cases open of item not received). I always looked at my defect ratings like a hawk but out of no where all these opened cases from Germany customers came out of nowhere and in short bursts. Germany customs must of implemented a much more strict customs policy recently and because of that caused alot of my items to arrive within a month.


I immediately blocked Germany and spoked to an eBay customer service to appeal my request to remove the defects. Obviously didn't work and I spoke to someone from eBay's online help chat thingy. Went on for ages and was looking for a solution. They told me that they wanted proof that the item was stuck in delays. I went thru my sales histories and CONTACTED for german customers. Asked them if their items was delayed because of customs and if they did, if they could just reply with "Yes it was delayed by customs".


I got a few replies back saying it was delayed by customs and it was to get under 5% defect rate to avoid below standard seller.


Used it to tell eBay and they told me they removed the defects (they didn't). It was removed however, after I attempted to contact them 2 more times.


After that, block Germany from buying my items and moved on.


But yes, I was worked hard like a dog to get proof it was delayed, and the process was tiresome not to mention it took ages for the defect removal to be removed.


But in the end, eBay seems quite fair in their policies when compared to other sites like ETSY. ETSY are ruthless with their ban hammer. I get a few reports on my items that I am a re-seller (HOWEVER i make the items myself) and viola thats it, account suspended. They don't care that you are genuinely designing it yourself. they don't want to do anything with you and even in the emails they specifically state that they don't want to communicate with me no more..


I do agree, eBay's website is a complete wreck at the moment, policies everywhere, rules everywhere.. New rules being added very often its so hard to keep up.


If you want to change a setting on eBay to suit your needs, there seems to be like 30948129048120841204 settings menu each of them being different to the other. It gets VERY confusing to know where each tweak to do is where and requires a google search each time (like I never know where to find a place to ban buyers from buying OR how to change the store settings at the beginning).


I know any newbie seller comming in will be very disheartened by the setup and the confusion is not. I wish eBay to do a complete re-vamp on the store and simplify the process to encourage more buyers and sellers and not introduce new drastic rules as it is very hard to keep up on it (like you got Feedback rating, then you have DSR, power-seller status, account health and DEFECTS how many more do we need?).

Message 22 of 43
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a most disrespectful business




I sell secondhand items. Up until recently I had over 4000 listings, each one unique. That is weeks of laborious data entry just to create all the listings!


Unfortunatley your solution wont work in my situation.

Message 23 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

i believe only sellers look at that "Best Match" thing. All buyers I know don't use it.  


Incorrect. As best match is the default setting on Ebay and very few change this. The vast majority just click on and look. As a result, those on top of best match ALWAYS dominate sales. Around 90% go to the top listed seller. (certainly in my catagory).


Only those who realise the best match is a scam change their settings to look further.






Message 24 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

In our case we are quite sure buyers rely on Best match search heavily.

We use a particular search term to test where our listings sit in the results.

When the search results are up high our sales are high and vice-versa.

So I think it depends on the type of item you have listed if/not it is suited to a Best Match search.

Message 25 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

I am giving them the middle finger.I  have had enough!! Closing my store at the end of month!

Message 26 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

@clarry100 wrote:

In our case we are quite sure buyers rely on Best match search heavily.


eBay claimed that only a bit over 30% of shoppers use something other than Best Match, if true (and as an eBay statistic, you'd be forgiven for viewing it suspiciously), it means there are a lot of buyers that use something else, but more than twice as many leaving it at (or preferring) the default.



Message 27 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

I posted something today & for me eBay is a very minor part of my life, very rarely these days when I want to offload some personal stuff I might sell but mostly it has been my 1st stop for items of interest to either get a better price or check best online prices. Most discount stores will now match prices if you mention it is available BIN from an eBay seller or stores are actually using eBay accounts themselves.


Unfortunately though eBay has become 1984 incarnate. It has taken on the persona of a state that dictates people's daily terms in doublespeak & impossible to abide by laws & regulations that seem to be instituted deliberately to make it impossible for small traders or mum & dad sellers to abide by them.


I'm sorry to read that genuine people are being affected so badly by eBay's lack of respect to the people who have contributed to it's success--- time will tell but what should happen is people will combine forces to defeat what has become the Evil Empire.


May the force be with you, peace.

Message 28 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

ebay gave me two defects last month and recieved a negative feedback and a nuetral.Wow top rated seller for 8 years ,now poor performer and cant even get my money from Pay Pal ,this is beep beep thats BS .Thats a violation thay said and you are now a poor performer .Well get this ebays automated feedback system left 10 seperate negative feedback message ,the same one "Dissapointing buyer didnt pay" well my customers did pay and I had to explain to all those customers.

I say its a violation of their own rules and guess what no defect for them ,except and I quote well we can deleat it .A defect for them and no listings or payments for between 7 to 21 days .

But no deleating anything for me even if I made a mistake to get the defect in the first place ,even my buyer left follow up all happy all good no problem ? Now thats English the buyer is happy ,if you can alter your own ebay mistakes tell my why you cant alter my mistake even when the buyer left follow up good stuff ," Happy ,all good ? Maybe because its English and not from the call centre, they do say and try to explain their case but really they sound like they are brainwashed and bullied into it ,by policy

Message 29 of 43
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a most disrespectful business

Well get this ebays automated feedback system left 10 seperate negative feedback message ,the same one "Dissapointing buyer didnt pay" well my customers did pay and I had to explain to all those customers.


If you have you feedback set to be left automatically it will randomly select the feedback comments you have set up. If this feedback is coming up you need to go into your automation preferences and edit your stored comments and remove this comment.




Message 30 of 43
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