on 26-09-2012 10:21 AM
I was just wondering, how do store owners get there pages to look so good, like with all the borders and images about pricing or discounts etc, i was told that ebay has seller tools. Have been doing a bit of researching and also found that you could get a web designer maybe.
Any other pointers anybody could help me with please.
on 09-10-2012 08:32 PM
There is no cheap option anymore. Ebay has jacked up the cost with no additional benefit to store holders - the price has doubled for a basic store. Ebay wants the big sellers and not the ma and pa operations.
Design your own template. Its not diffcult. I dumped a template and just use the ebay html for my listings..boring but still effective.
on 09-10-2012 10:31 PM
Oh no.....just what eBay needs....another phone case seller...
on 11-10-2012 10:58 AM
I found a great designer in the USA who is not expensive and creates professional eBay template and store layouts. http://abcjupiter.com/