are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

i have been selling really well and this  round  nothingi  would have thpught people would want kids dvds etc for christmas??

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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

C&J, the media is full of reports that consumers are just not spending at the moment. Costs of living have spiraled and many people are doing it tough. I would say a lot of folks will be having a lean Christmas this year.

Hopefully today's RBA rate cut will see people being able to ease their purse strings a little.

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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

Hi Carly another reason with any online selling around Christmas is that some may be unsure as to whether an item will arrive in time. If they spend money on an item that is being posted, what if it is late?, goes missing?, some don't want to risk it as what do you tell the kids Christmas morning? or can you imagine having to race down to the shops on Christmas Eve, and perhaps with very little money coz you spent it on eBay 😞


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 3 of 18
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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

I agree with greencat.  There's stuff I'd like to bid on or buy (admittedly some from overseas) but I've decided that unless it's something I desperately want, I will wait until after Christmas.

Message 4 of 18
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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

yeah i understand all that 🙂

Message 5 of 18
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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

Not applicable

Unless it's the latest smartphone, tablet, game or <$20 item spending is quiet across the board.

If Australia is better off than most other Western countries then boy oh boy I am sure glad I was born HERE.

I have been selling through various ID's for 10 years on ebay and the last few months have been the most quiet I have ever encountered.

For years it's been a trick cash present ( eg a resealed box of sweets with cash inside ). This year there will be barely the box of lollies. Yes, I know, it's not about giving but isn't that what our whole capitalist model is all about.


Message 6 of 18
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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

That is true, I actually start to panic or stress if I can't afford to spend XX amount (usually to at least match last year) when really it all should be about family, a gift from the heart (rather than the wallet) but sadly - I am as caught up in the commercialism now as everyone else.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 7 of 18
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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

In my family we stopped giving each other presents years ago.   There is only so many chocolates, candles, gift packs from body shop etc. that any of us can possible use in one lifetime.  We spend our money on lobsters and other wonderful food, have a lovely day together; that is all we need to show our love for each other.  If anybody feels they really need to give me something, they can give me another Oxfam goat; i already have whole herd of them 🙂 

Children of-course, do get presents. 

I think that many people are doing the same, it has nothing to do with money.  Actually, I am puzzled why would people think that cost of living is so high in Australia?  Interest rates are extremely low, food is not expensive, consumer goods are cheapest ever (thanks to high dollar); utilities have gone up, but that is something that has always been the case.  The only people who are worse off are people who depend on their savings and the low interest is hurting them. 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 8 of 18
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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

We are the same, our family stopped giving presents. It took a period of about 2 or 3 years for it to finally work though. As everyone was too scared everyone else would buy them presents so they would buy them presents too, but once everyone realised they wouldnt be left receiving presents and not getting any, it works well now.

It all started from everyone getting presents they didnt really want or need. So then there was the gift card stage but that came to an end when some shops stopped accepting the gift cards from mastercard in favour of their own. So then people were giving cash so it could be used anywhere. So then looking at it, xmas had turned into passing around cash, so it was decided to stop giving presents, and letting everyone just spend their money on themselves. Works a treat when nobody ambushes you with a present and you have nothing to give them in return.

I am single and no children, and even though i am not doing it as tough as some of the people and families out there, i do think that the cost of living has gone through the roof and money doesnt go as far as it used too.

Increases in vehicle registration ( seems to go up 2 or 3 times a year ) huge increases in utilities and i mean huge, petrol prices mostly hovering around $1.50. Food isnt what i would call exactly cheap anymore, even going to the cinema seems more expensive everytime you go , i went the other week and is now $19 for a standard ticket.  Yes interest rates have gone down, that doesnt help anyone that rents. Yes consumer goods can be brought cheaper than before, if you want cheap chinese crap, but if you want the quality brand name originals the prices seem to have gone up.

Yes, if people want too they can live cheaper if they really try, buy homebrand foods and spend time racing from shop to shop to get the specials, buy cheap chinese alternatives to the real items. But this is the 21st century and we are living in a western country and people are being forced into making compromises to be able to live, where did it all go wrong ?

Message 9 of 18
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Re: are sales on ebay slower at christmas??

I find it a bit quieter at this time of year too and it usually picks up again toward the end of Dec. I think people just get busy with Christmas social events etc. and are generally running around like crazy.

Message 10 of 18
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