on โ11-03-2014 08:25 AM
on โ11-03-2014 03:17 PM
could be that bloke whos got nothing to do again
on โ11-03-2014 03:53 PM
So I loose $16.67 for a days worth of store cost & my sales for next Tuesday!
Nasty melt down!
on โ11-03-2014 06:35 PM
AAARRRGGHHH, I've been waiting all day to add some photos to a lsiting as the add photos link simply does nothing when clicked. I've now given up and ended the auction . Tried 3 browsers all acting the same....
on โ12-03-2014 12:56 PM
OK people, This is KGV's wife. I've just spent 1/2 an hour on the phone with eBay & it seems clearing your history & cookies will fix the problem. The eBay lady is nice enough to talk you through the process if you don't know how to do this. Firefox has a drop down box in the left hand corner marked firefox. When it opens there is a history tab on the RH side which will take you to your clear history menu. Once your history is cleared close your windows & reopen in a new tab. Problem should be solved though apparently for some people it is still taking a few days to completely fix. Good luck.
on โ12-03-2014 02:37 PM
The work around works.
Many thanks