on 09-07-2012 10:53 PM
on 12-07-2012 04:12 PM
sound advice, super, & its no point in sending a revision form untill the buyer recieves thier purchase.
Those forms are self explanatory, tho, anyone with half a brain should be able to undertand them, unless theyve changed. since the last time i saw one.
on 12-07-2012 04:53 PM
Maybe the buyer expected the item to be sent from Sydney, Austalia as the listing stated the Item Location was Sydney Australia, not from some supplier in China?
on 12-07-2012 05:02 PM
WTF does the items location have to do with anything?? the fb was positively glowing, just a red dot that was no doubt a glitch on a phone - bsal - you spend way too much time using your right hand!!!
on 12-07-2012 05:09 PM
just saying...3 negs, 9 neutrals and all for nearly the same problem, and shouldnt item location actually be where the item is located?
on 12-07-2012 05:28 PM
Sorry, it's just you always seem to come across so negative and angry, try and offer a bit of adivce now and then. On another thread you answered - open dispute now - which was bloody good advice, but I think the OP would have appreciated instructions.
As to this one, I stand by 'item location' should not matter, but I admit I had not looked at the fb. Friends?;\
on 12-07-2012 05:32 PM
Item location may still be a factor though. Hypothetically..
What if buyer was searching ebay for this item..found two..one in china and one in australia...thinks to themselves "i will do the right thing and buy the one in australia", only to find out it was posted from china anyway?????
I'd be a bit annoyed with that.
on 12-07-2012 05:34 PM
.......you got me there;-)
on 12-07-2012 05:50 PM
If it were me, I'd buy the one in China because it would probably be a third of the price!
on 12-07-2012 07:44 PM
As to this one, I stand by 'item location' should not matter,
Giving incorrect item location in the listing is a violation of ebay rulers. It is reportable. And of-course it matters.
If i am in hurry, I specifically look for items located in Australia; if I am even more in hurry I look for items located in the same city. That is why item location is on the listing.
on 12-07-2012 07:45 PM
Yes but in how many pieces?