on โ07-04-2014 10:43 AM
especially when there are like 500 free listings in a short time period, I find bulk relisting from your selling page very useful.
However I have noticed it doesn't send you the email for each item to say when its listed which gives me strife as I often search in my emails to see if an item is already listed, as I find when I search within my selling items it only searches on a page to a view.
what am i ticking doing wrong when bulk autorelisting? thanks
(further when I subscribe to a post on these forums I usually only get notification on one response - why?)
on โ07-04-2014 11:30 AM
I know exactly what you mean. I took advantage of the offer of 500 free listings (I didn't quite get there in the time available, but gave it my best shot and got close to 400) but because of the difficulty in searching your own listings I accidentally listed something that was already listed. You'd think by the email response that I received from ebay, I had committed the most atrocious crime.
You are not doing anything wrong when you tick the autorelist - you just don't get an email notification it has happened.
on โ07-04-2014 12:15 PM
yep I hear you! or it can be really embarrasing if someone buys and you've already sold it... they need to refine that glitch.