on 18-06-2012 05:53 PM
I just sent an inoice with postage by Click & Send for $11.50 as it is a 3kg satchel
the buyer somehow changed it to standard delivery for $9 postage, when my settings dont allow buyers to edit totals
is there a way they can still edit and change the postage?
on 11-12-2012 07:29 AM
This thread is nearly six months old and it turned out that the seller was not doing it right anyway.
In all my years of selling I have never had ebay arbitrarily alter the quoted postage. It is far more likely that it is something you are causing by the way you are quoting postage.
on 11-12-2012 01:21 PM
i agree totally this is something that needs to be fixed as soon as possible .
on 12-12-2012 07:39 AM
Although the thread is old, this is a relevant concern for me today.
I think with over 6000 feedback and over 15000 transactions, I know about quoting postage and how that is affected. I am not saying ebay is changing the postage, the customer is. It is saying
'buyer edited total' WTF?
This has just happened in the last week customers have been editing their own totals. This is a brand new concern. I'll contact my top account specialist and see if he has any solutions and post what ebay have to say.
on 12-12-2012 08:05 AM
If it is a buyer edited total have you checked your setting to make sure it hasn't defaulted to allowing the buyer to edit.
on 19-12-2012 07:32 PM
that was the first thing I checked, still is set that buyer cannot edit total, yet they are. I've spoken with ebay and they said they will check it out.
on 20-12-2012 07:00 PM
Don't know if this will help you sellers out at all BUT I paid for 4 items from the same seller yesterday (19th December) and had trouble checking out with paypal when I tried to add a message to the Seller.
Ebay has changed the way checkout is processed, I do not know if everyone has the new checkout or just some. I also got asked to give feedback on what I thought of their new checkout procedure.
I gave them what for, because I am tired of them changing everything all the time, as in now you have this feature, now you don't. Let's try this, no let's revert back to the old way.
Anyway, this may well be why buyers are able to edit the postage costs on their items regardless of a sellers settings.
Just a thought, but if more than 1 seller is experiencing this problem, it could well be the answer.
on 21-12-2012 07:21 PM
Unless you actually state a specific cost in the Shipping and Handling part when typing the listing, a buyer may be able to change the cost at checkout.
I recently bought an item from overseas and they had a number of locations listed in their Post To locations but only one shipping option was listed in Postage and Payments - which was their country. So, the Postage cost to Australia said: "Read item description or contact seller for details."
In the description of the item they put the costs for international shipping. When I went to checkout and pay, I was able to type in a shipping cost but not wanting to type in the wrong one, I simply requested an invoice. This was the first time in recent memory that I can remember having the option of typing in a shipping cost.