on โ25-02-2016 04:19 PM
closing my store down
i thought it would of been a good idea to open, but within the month sales have been down
so time to sell items on socail media (facebook)
on โ25-02-2016 04:53 PM
on โ25-02-2016 05:03 PM
i thought having the store would of increased my sales, but no luck.
on โ25-02-2016 05:11 PM
Stores don't increase your exposure, just allow more 'free' listings and your own categories.
One month is hardly sufficient time to see if a store will work for you.
on โ25-02-2016 05:19 PM
As davewill said a month is not enough time to judge sales from a store, there are advantages to a store ie 30 day GTC listings, lower final evalution fees, 200 free listings a month, and really only $20 a month for a basic store, we did not see the advantages for several months after opening ours, but now would not be with out it.
on โ25-02-2016 05:43 PM
Non-stores are now offered 30 day listings and GTC from a couple of weeks ago.
on โ25-02-2016 06:05 PM
on โ25-02-2016 06:09 PM
There was no notification at all from eBay. I noticed it only as I was relisting an item and wanted to change the length of the listing. I recall also seeing it mentioned briefly on the boards at the same time I noticed it.
on โ25-02-2016 06:11 PM
on โ25-02-2016 06:49 PM
@cathyjoyjoy wrote:Non-stores are now offered 30 day listings and GTC from a couple of weeks ago.
And get at least 100 free listings every other month as an added bonus !