eBay has an image problem (literally)

Incoming rant (I realise eBay won't read this, but I'm annoyed).


Can someone give me one (just one) good reason why eBay puts a grey tint over photos on storefronts now? eBay says they prefer clean, white backgrounds wherever possible, so I comply - and then I upload my images with their clean, white backgrounds and eBay tints them grey and compresses them to such a degree that they look like the back window of my car before I put the demister on when it rains.


Listing images are important, and mine look like trash through no fault of my own. I've hit the thumbs down on the "rate this store" and left an angry comment at least a dozen times (mostly just to make myself feel better). WHAT is the reason to intentionally make listing photos look dull and grey? Seriously.


Betsy doesn't do this, and over at Betsy's, everything looks better. I put my eBay and Betsy side-by-side, and the difference is marked. Images are clear. Images have white backgrounds. It's such a tease, because that is how I WANT my eBay store to look (and how I feel it SHOULD look).


Maybe this doesn't matter so much to other sellers, but my items are eye candy - how they look is very important and I can't think of a single valid reason why they tint them grey.

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eBay has an image problem (literally)

I admire your honesty, but am happy with table showing in background....it lets buyers see the edges of the books. I used to use a black background, but then it was hard to see 'dark' covered books.

Message 11 of 16
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eBay has an image problem (literally)

just had a thought....my photos are 375 pixels x 500 pixels....when you click on the photo (within store) you get a black background which changes my photos to 1200 x 1600.....what size are yours?

Message 12 of 16
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eBay has an image problem (literally)

@twyngwyn wrote:

just had a thought....my photos are 375 pixels x 500 pixels....when you click on the photo (within store) you get a black background which changes my photos to 1200 x 1600.....what size are yours?

Typically 1500 x 1500 px. I need people to be able to zoom in on the details (which is my other complaint - the compression makes them look foggy in the previews). Also, I figured a higher resolution was better because resolutions go up with time, not down (and I don't want to have to resize my 800 listing images anytime soon).


Not sure what you mean about the black background - mine have the grey overlay on the storefront and when I click into the listing, it's white (as I intended it to be). However, it's still foggy until I mouse over to zoom, and then it clears up (tested on desktop and mobile).


Not gonna lie, I'm a bit OCD with my images (if that wasn't already evident 🤣) and the inconsistency really bugs. I just cannot understand why they'd tell us to use white backgrounds wherever possible, and then dull them down with grey overlays. It's not the end of the world, but make it make sense, eBay!


Really appreciate your replies and help though, Twynnie (and I have referred a crafty friend to your store, as I'd actually never clicked on it before but she loves craft magazines 👍). Also - I think your pics look fine, personally.

Message 13 of 16
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eBay has an image problem (literally)

Thankyou.....this is the black background.....click on an item in storefront (grey background)>>>white background...click again>>>(black background)


click on this picture:

Dress Up Your Dolls~Lise Nymark~Knit & Crochet Outfits~For Dolls Up To 18 Inches | eBay

Message 14 of 16
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eBay has an image problem (literally)

Mine used to be perfect they look dull now ,Terrible since they have their new photo edit whatever it is on. I used to just be able to upload photos with nice clear pictures now they look grey and dark. I do use a black background at times. But my nice white backgrounds are grey and dull.

Message 15 of 16
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eBay has an image problem (literally)

Best to use the editing tools that ebay provides. A real PITA but if ebay won't / can't upload photos exactly as shown on the original, I've gritted my teeth and used their edit functions to reach the best possible. It is annoying when that is not as good as my original but at least  an improvement (I'm referring to another ebay account re pictures, items I have made)

Message 16 of 16
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