eBay messages now coming to junk mail !

Over the last 2 weeks my eBay messages (not sale confirmations) have been appearing in my junk mail.Has anyone else had the same ?? I hardly have my eBay home page open anymore due to lack of sales, currently trending around one  sale per week, so rely on the message service for any notifications.I must admit I did start laughing when they appeared in the junk mail ! Regards.

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eBay messages now coming to junk mail !

anything automated has bugs

i get mail sent to junk sometimes.

usually i see it.

Message 11 of 15
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eBay messages now coming to junk mail !

I have been haivng the same issue - I use outlook.  What is strange is that every day, when I get all of the "favorite search results" sent me within a matter of a few minutes, some of those are going to my in box and some are going to junk

Message 12 of 15
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eBay messages now coming to junk mail !

Same here, for the last few weeks.


Message 13 of 15
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eBay messages now coming to junk mail !

The messages going to junk mail are from other E bay members.

Message 14 of 15
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eBay messages now coming to junk mail !

I received a message from a seller two days ago, just in response to a message I sent, thanking her for an item I'd just received (although I'd won it a while ago, had it sent to my US forwarding address, and left it there while I ordered some other things to consolidate the shipment).


That message came to my inbox - 10/05/2018 8:42 PM.


At 4:09 AM this morning I received an email notifying me that I'd won the item I mentioned earlier in this thread. (I hadn't expected to, as I had decided to withdraw the Gixen snipe bid, and left my (low) bid on eBay.)


So... my notifications appear to be coming to my inbox, and that means I can't replicate the issue that other members are experiencing.


Hmm. I wish I could help.

Message 15 of 15
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