eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

eBay Australia have made a mess of a combined shipping sale with several items. They have only passed on about 2/3 of the money and are unable to fix this in under 10 days! Every day I get some new time-frame (please wait 48hrs  / the manager will contact you wait 24h  / it will take 5-7 days etc). They acknowledge their mistake but refuse to pay me because "we are unable to issue the money as we would first need to replicate as to why the remaining amount was not issued to you". Does anyone have an opinion on the legality of this - holding my money, delaying shipping so they can debug their stuff-up? Also does anyone no how I can report eBay Australia to the parent company for their inappropriate behaviour? Does anyone know if this constitutes behaviour reportable to ACCC or will it take legal action to get anywhere.

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eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

@analog_cameras wrote:


Look I started this not wanting advice, explanation etc. etc. just asking if anybody knew how to contact eBay central (bypassing OZ help) Or how to report them to whatever is the relevant regulatory body - read my query that's all I asked.

Understanding the issue in full would be the best way to figure out who to contact about what - not knowing what happened and / or how is a pretty big spanner in that particular works, for lack of a better analogy.


By which I mean to say that eBay CS may well say one thing, but if they can't replicate the issue or whatever, then it could suggest the anomaly was caused by something different - multiple funding sources, for example. That may not be applicable to your buyer, but lots of payments are funded by multiple sources - coupons, PayPal funds + credit card back ups, and so on.  What's odd here is how the payments are adding up, like it's pointing directly to a discrepancy between quantities the buyer ordered and was charged for, and quantities you were paid for. 


There is no eBay central, just to address that - the main corporation is in the US, but they are completely irrelevant to eBay AU - there's no going over ebay AU's head, so to speak, they are all under the same company, but they are separate branches, so trying to get in touch with someone outside of eBay AU won't bring any joy. There is (or maybe was?) a specialist managed payments team that worked outside of the usual people CS network, you may be able to access them through MP help page links etc, they may still have the proper help line set up. Not sure if this would be something they can help with, though - you'd think they would be, but their primary task was assisting sellers with transition issues (from PayPal to Managed Payments), and they weren't even great at that. I spoke to one while I preparing to go through the verification process and was provided 100% misinformation; had to figure it out on my own. 


There is an eBay AU Facebook page that used to be ok at handling Aus-specific issues, but nowadays all they do is link to policy pages (still might be worth a shot - try everything, just have a copy/paste message to reduce the time investment lol). 


AFCA is still worth messaging as well, just be sure to ask them who can help you if they can't, because honestly I don't think anyone knows the answer to that right now. 


I still think the buyer has a better shot at getting this resolved, though - unlike us lowly sellers, there is a heck of a lot of buyer advocacy, industry oversight with regards to what they likely used to pay, and plenty of motivation on eBay's part to keep buyers happy. I would not recommend anything like a chargeback or dispute at this stage from the buyer, not without knowing exactly what happened and where the surplus funds are, since I wouldn't trust eBay not to refund the buyer in full from your funds, even though they didn't give you all the funds. 

Message 41 of 47
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eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

Yeah I've tried managed payments but they just flick me straight back to invoicing. The organisation is so siloed it's insane. I have contacted the seller and told him to confirm he has paid in full and I intend shipping to him this is unfair on him - he's acted in good faith and I've had enough of eBay's BS. If they don't pay eventually I will take a legal tack - it's not about $$ they're trivial in the scheme of things and I'm a hobbyist and this really doesn't impact my life in any way, I am simply not going to let them get away with this **bleep**. Just on the anomaly - it is definitely a system glitch because they amount they deducted fees from (and remitted to me) - $252.50 - was exactly the sum if the buyer had purchased one of each of the 7 items (i.e. rather 2 of one 4 of another etc.). - you can see this below - they have used the left columns rather than the right




So the system has broken down - this is a failure of their IT not related to fund source for payment or anything like that.

As I have said elsewhere I completely understand they need to no how this happened but there is no logical reason to hold up the funds - that can't help debug the stuff-up.

Message 42 of 47
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eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

@analog_cameras wrote:


As I have said elsewhere I completely understand they need to no how this happened but there is no logical reason to hold up the funds - that can't help debug the stuff-up.

They are probably just scared if they pay you the remaining amount independently, somewhere down the line it could result in it being paid to you again from the original source, then they'd have a whole new problem they don't know how to fix 🤣  (Not laughing at you, just to be clear, just that I find it a very eBay way to approach a situation like this and I can see the absurdity). 

Message 43 of 47
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eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

Yep - and a cautionary tale to anybody sending invoice with combined shipping - there is a line of code NQR somewhere and they clearly don't know where! Check you payments carefully. This of course only came about because I ask buyers to request an invoice. It has been suggested to me here that you can refund the difference which is true BUT eBay, true to form, keep the fees on the refund so you are out of pocket. A nice little earner no doubt. Second only to applying success fees to US State taxes - those taxes they pass through you - you never see them but you (as the buyer) pay full fees.  Certainly would be illegal here but they get away with it in other jurisdictions.

Message 44 of 47
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eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

Ebay doesn't keep the fees on a refund - just the 30c fixed fee, which is neither here nor there.


Message 45 of 47
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eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

No - not my experience with partial refunds - you refund $10 with say combined shipping and they will keep the (up to) $1.40 or so in fees they had previously taken. Happy to be corrected on this if it has changed but I can cite chapter and verse from a chat some time ago (but post managed payments).

Now that is here or there in my opinion.

Message 46 of 47
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eBay refusing to pass on balance of buyer's payment

...and just as an example - this is from a post managed payments chat when I refunded postage for someone who purchased 2 items which I could post for the one postage charge. eBay keeps the fees applied to the postage you are refunding - nice little earner that.


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