eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

So I know this has been done, but I just got back after a 12 month selling hiatus.

The new fees, well, they shocked me. Its tripled my listing cost.

So it looks like ill be back for one single cameo appreance and then gone again.


I could live with the new fee increases and would even get myself a store if the free store listings included Auction.

eBay was founded on auctions, Why are the trying to kill them off?


And now I wonder why im even bothering to waste my time with this post.


I say lets all take our pitchforks and clubs and march on eBay headquarters!

Tally Ho!!!

Message 1 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

You get 40 free listings (including auctions) per month as a non storeholder. Plus every 2nd weekend, usually, ebay offer NSH 100 free listings.


Or list at BIN with a store. That seems to be the go these days.

Message 2 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

40 free is nice, but I just listed 140 items.

So what cost me $70 last time, just cost me $150.

Thats more than a 50% jump.

And then ive got the extra 2% on top of that. Then paypal wants his cut.


The main thing I dont understand is if I upgrade to a store why cant my free listings be either auction or BIN?


Message 3 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

eBay definitely want to encourage fixed price listings for anyone that lists fairly regularly - auctions still make up a fair percentage of sales, but when you read the way the statistics are conveyed, it becomes clear eBay prefer to encourage fixed price listings. Just over half of all sales on-site are BINs, around 52% I believe, which isn't the biggest difference in the world, but it's always presented in a way that would suggest BIN listings are more popular and successful, and with noticably less interest in auctions for a lot of sellers - i.e. less bidding activity, items selling at lower end prices - it could be argued they're encouraging a more successful selling strategy for sellers because higher sales / sale prices benefit eBay just as much as they might a seller. 


I'm not saying it's the way to go for all sellers, but eBay would work on averages and site-wide statistics rather than on an individual basis. 


Auctions in collectible categories (which includes some new categories like craft items), are included in the free listings for store packages, and are charged at a reduced rate when not free ($1.00 instead of $1.50), so for some sellers who prefer auctions, a store would still be of more benefit. 


You could also use a couple of different non-store IDs to access more free listings per month.


Message 4 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

If ebay really did only want to encourage fixed price listings how come the US get auctions for the same price as buy-it-nows ??

Message 5 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

@thecatspjs wrote:

If ebay really did only want to encourage fixed price listings how come the US get auctions for the same price as buy-it-nows ??

At a guess... Because eBay actually has competitors in the US, so financial benefits along with selling formats unavailable with their competitors, would make a difference. The US site is, just from my own personal observations in the categories I purchase from, much more popular to list on with Chinese sellers, who (lets just say) still groove on auctions. 


When the latest fee structure for the AU site was announced in a thread, the OP (by the eBay community guide michelle, if memory serves) actually contained the explanation that the higher insertion fee for auctions was specifically to discourage AU store sellers from using them. Not that I take every ebay word as gospel, but in the context of my other observations, I'm inclined to stick with my current interpretations.


Message 6 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

You could list 160 items with for $19.99 per month if you had a basic store and another 2 ids using 40 free each.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 7 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

The basic store listings are only for BIN lstings?

I list all mine in Auction.

And im not a fan of the multiple ID's. Although it is tempting to get those extra free listings.

Message 8 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

Auctions seem to be diminishing in popularity. And, anecdotally, are less profitable than in previous times.


I don't list anything at auction, but my BINs sell. Maybe look into doing that. Unless your items are rare or you have no idea of true worth auctions seem to not be the go.

Message 9 of 17
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eBay why are you trying to kill the little guy?

as the items you sell have a pretty well established market, you should be able to list them BIN for a fair market price, (And a free listing),  listing .99c auctions and paying $1.50 to do so is just not viable, as you will find out in a week's time.

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