ebay has my bank account details

Ebay now has my bank account details and can charge me for anything they think of. I just had a deduction for $2.20 for some listing thing.


I am not happy with this as I dont have a say in Ebay charging me for anything they like. 


I think I am going to cancel my account after all these years and over 500 transactions

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ebay has my bank account details

I am not a seller, so I don't know what that fee is, but if you don't know what a deduction is, you can contact eBay via live chat (and ask for a supervisor, as normal CS representatives probably won't know).

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ebay has my bank account details

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ebay has my bank account details

I believe that things like subtitles, which cost $2.20 are charged separately although I couldn't see a subtitle in the listing that you just sold. When you listed the item, was there a charge at the bottom when you submitted?


Perhaps a glitch?

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