on โ21-07-2014 11:53 AM
Hi folks
I just printed out my second ebay postage label (go me!), all went ok again except when I click on the tracking number it says:
Mon 21 Jul 2014 01:26
Shipping information received by Australia Post
Fair enough as I have not posted the item yet. But the time seems wrong, saying info received at 01:26 when it actual fact it would have been 11.26 or thereabouts my time (Melb/Vic). Anyone else finding the time or dates wrong? Do Australia Post know about it? Am loathed to get on the phone to report it (arghh - hate phones).
on โ21-07-2014 11:58 AM
EBAY US time perhaps?
on โ21-07-2014 12:14 PM
When you lodge it over the counter it will be scanned and will show time and date of acceptance from AP and that is the main thing not when postage is processed.
And then you can only hope it is scanned a gain when delivered.
on โ21-07-2014 12:37 PM
@pennyforum14 wrote:EBAY US time perhaps?
Wouldn't it be (have been) Sunday pm in the US? According to timeanddate it is only 10.36pm (ish) in New York at the moment...
on โ21-07-2014 12:38 PM
If it is based on another country/zone's time, who is 10 hours behind Melbourne, Aus?
on โ21-07-2014 12:41 PM
@*sparklz* wrote:When you lodge it over the counter it will be scanned and will show time and date of acceptance from AP and that is the main thing not when postage is processed.
And then you can only hope it is scanned a gain when delivered.
That is the main thing, thanks sparklz.