getting screwed by paypal

Anyone else sick and tired on getting screwed by Paypal claims continually going against the seller even when the buyer is totally in the wrong??

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getting screwed by paypal

Community Member

Unfortunately Paypal can only act on the evidence provided to them. If a dispute has been resolved in the other party's favour and you have evidence to prove that their decision was incorrect, ring Paypal and ask to speak with a supervisor. If they still don't reverse their decision and you're still sure you're in the right, lodge a complaint with the FOS at and they will investigate your claim and make their decision accordingly.

Message 2 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

Thank you and apologies for venting my frustration but enough is enough. Paypal are a law unto themselves. They provide no transcript or reasoning for their decisions and just provide the same scripted replies. I am truly fed up with the lack of accountability and will be going to the Financial Ombudsman with this current situation aswell as the other past situations where clearly, as a seller, I have been wronged by Paypals complete lack of accountability and competent investigation systems, and an ability to come to a fair and just decision with ALL evidence provided!!
Message 3 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

There is no need to apologise as I know exactly how you feel and I don't blame you in the least. I agree that Paypal are a law unto themselves and it's only by virtue of the FOS that we can make use of their services with a reasonable degree of confidence. If there was no such totally independent avenue of appeal, I certainly wouldn't be touching Paypal with a bargepole.
Message 4 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

It is relatively unusual for Paypal to continue to breach their own terms and conditions once you get to speak to somebody high enough up the chain when you query a decision, a lot of buyers and sellers come here to complain because the think they have been hard done by but they have in fact just read those terms and conditions how they want to see them or have not read them in full.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 5 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

Having bought and sold 1000s of items on Ebay for years, I find it quite insulting phorum_junkie that you would make such a throw away comment. Paypal is a law unto themselves until you stand and fight them. Since I have been a member of Paypal, they have been purchased by Ebay and many of the terms and conditions have changed to suit their legal liability and compliance. As a buyer and seller on Ebay you literally have no choice but to use Payapl so in essence you are basically screwed if you disagree with them and their dispute resolution processes and systems. Are you on the payroll by any chance?? 

Message 6 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

@gimegimeyogo wrote:

Having bought and sold 1000s of items on Ebay for years, I find it quite insulting phorum_junkie that you would make such a throw away comment. Paypal is a law unto themselves until you stand and fight them. Since I have been a member of Paypal, they have been purchased by Ebay and many of the terms and conditions have changed to suit their legal liability and compliance. As a buyer and seller on Ebay you literally have no choice but to use Payapl so in essence you are basically screwed if you disagree with them and their dispute resolution processes and systems. Are you on the payroll by any chance?? 

firstly gime... no phorum is not an employee of ebay, paypal (or anyone else for that matter).

yes, Paypal did change owners in about 2002 or 03 and yes over the last 11 or 12 years they have changed various parts of their Terms and Conditions (as does any financial institution)... you accept those changes every time you use their service after the change announcement.

I joined paypal in 1999 and have not had any problems (thankfully) but yes I do know some buyers and sellers have problems and they need to be addressed within Paypals T&C


as a seller now on ebay you do have a choice you can offer Paymate or you can approach your bank to get a Visa or Mastercard merchant facility yourself.

both are totally acceptable to eBay.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~~ ~~ ~~ Those who do right, have nothing to fear.
Message 7 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

@gimegimeyogo wrote:

Having bought and sold 1000s of items on Ebay for years, I find it quite insulting phorum_junkie that you would make such a throw away comment. Paypal is a law unto themselves until you stand and fight them. Since I have been a member of Paypal, they have been purchased by Ebay and many of the terms and conditions have changed to suit their legal liability and compliance. As a buyer and seller on Ebay you literally have no choice but to use Payapl so in essence you are basically screwed if you disagree with them and their dispute resolution processes and systems. Are you on the payroll by any chance?? 

A shareholder? You should then have a direct input into how Paypal operate.

Message 8 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

@gimegimeyogo wrote:

Having bought and sold 1000s of items on Ebay for years, I find it quite insulting phorum_junkie that you would make such a throw away comment. Paypal is a law unto themselves until you stand and fight them. Since I have been a member of Paypal, they have been purchased by Ebay and many of the terms and conditions have changed to suit their legal liability and compliance. As a buyer and seller on Ebay you literally have no choice but to use Payapl so in essence you are basically screwed if you disagree with them and their dispute resolution processes and systems. Are you on the payroll by any chance?? 

Hi Gimme Hello wave.gif


If you are unhappy with the changes with the terms and conditions of either eBay or PayPal, they are prepared to release you from the contract that you have with them.


Laws change, so it is only natural that any company changes and updates their policies etc as their responsibilities are altered.


You do have a choice, we don't have to use PayPal at all when voluntarily using the eBay site. As a seller, as long as we offer either PayMate or Merchant Credit Card Faciliities, then we don't have to make PayPal available, and as a buyer, we are free to use any sellers we choose, so if we don't want to use PayPal, we have the freedom to choose to trade with any seller who offers a method of payment that suits us.


Also, if dissatisfied with the free mediation and resolution service that the companies provide for a member's convenience, you can always utilize your own resolution methods by accessing the legal system.


and as for being screwed - well -


*straightens halo*

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 9 of 10
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getting screwed by paypal

I keep saying that I am sure both ebay and Paypal can find employees who are not on a retirement pension, severley disabled and devoting all spare time to selling on ebay.  If I am unknowingly employed by either of them then where is my Christmas bonus and why don't I get a paid holiday?


As for getting screwed by Paypal, in all my many years of using Paypal (it wasn't even called that when I signed up) and having accounts in two continents I have never been out one cent.  There have been a couple of times when a decission has gone against me both as a buyer and a seller but a knowledge of the terms, conditions and policies quoted to a more senior representative has always resulted in me getting my money back.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 10 of 10
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