11-05-2015 09:05 PM - edited 11-05-2015 09:08 PM
I just got an order from a buyer who wanted these last 2 cans of 4 litre of a type of paint ,and asked if they can be delivered . I mainy have pickus 99.9% of the time but we do a couple a week for buyers you ask, anyway sometimes I think some of there charges dont make sence. [ from outer melbourne vic to coogee w/a box size 20x 40 x 20 10kg cost only $11.22 I fell of my seat now thats a bargain.
normaly they are cheaper or on par with ap package but I think somebody has made a boo boo here , anyway the buyer is rapt, he said he was willing to pay a lot more.
on 12-05-2015 08:36 AM
@joethenuts wrote:I just got an order from a buyer who wanted these last 2 cans of 4 litre of a type of paint ,and asked if they can be delivered . I mainy have pickus 99.9% of the time but we do a couple a week for buyers you ask, anyway sometimes I think some of there charges dont make sence. [ from outer melbourne vic to coogee w/a box size 20x 40 x 20 10kg cost only $11.22 I fell of my seat now thats a bargain.
normaly they are cheaper or on par with ap package but I think somebody has made a boo boo here , anyway the buyer is rapt, he said he was willing to pay a lot more.
There is no way that you could send a 10 kg item from Vic to WA for $11.22
There's a good chance that they've left a 1 off and it should be $111.22 or somewhere in between that price
and the quoted price,(I reckon they've done the calculation as MM not CM),
on 12-05-2015 08:57 AM
already paid with con note ready to go out today , normaly i pay $11.22 to nsw or qland to there suburbs but outer suburbs are deare even in vic sent one a few weeks ago to a vic country middle of the hills over $30, still i thought it would of been about $25, oh well buyer wins this time
on 12-05-2015 05:47 PM
@joethenuts wrote:already paid with con note ready to go out today , normaly i pay $11.22 to nsw or qland to there suburbs but outer suburbs are deare even in vic sent one a few weeks ago to a vic country middle of the hills over $30, still i thought it would of been about $25, oh well buyer wins this time
Great price Joe - which courier does that?