on 02-10-2012 12:46 PM
Hi selling a truck on ebay and it will end in 2 hours. My problem is the highest bidder has a very bad record on pick up and this is etc cars. I do not have a good feeling about this, so I rang ebay and they said that I should give the buyer the benifit of the doubt. I have changed the setting for 2 unpaid strikes but that is to late now. Any ideas or am I just jumping the gun, thanks Rose
on 02-10-2012 01:06 PM
If your highest bidder fails to pay, you will have the option of offering a second chance to the next highest bidder. Nothing more you can do at this stage.
on 02-10-2012 01:53 PM
I have solved the problem. The further I went back on this persons feedback the worse it got. I rang ebay again and they showed me how to retract a bid and block the buyer.
on 03-10-2012 09:16 AM
on 03-10-2012 10:02 AM
on 03-10-2012 11:45 AM
So a new buyer comes in at the last minute and buys it. Rings me early in the morning says he is waiting outside my house, so I go outside he takes it for a quick test drive and says that it is to small for him and hands me back the key. You just can not win. I have had people that have bothered to come before they bid on it and take it for a drive and then bid on it. Its just not fair for the people who do the right thing.