on 01-03-2015 01:13 AM
on 01-03-2015 09:56 PM
@kopenhagen5 wrote:DG, just watched Big Bang and you sound like Sheldon.
on 01-03-2015 11:05 PM
I didn't think that data was needed. Lets just say it was taken over a large sample size, 100 maybe
on 02-03-2015 01:09 AM
@dylan11235813 wrote:I didn't think that data was needed. Lets just say it was taken over a large sample size, 100 maybe
It wasn't really, other to be able to read the significance of the fluctuations, i.e. to provide an insight into how dramatic the spikes are.
Going by the dates, from memory they seem to coincide with the removal of categories from store listings (I still have my doubts about that being a temporary 'glitch'). Can't say how much that would affect traffic, if at all, since they're not really something that attracts buyers, but rather something that encourages them to stick around once they're there, but it may make some stats look suddenly disproprtionate if fewer visitors look at fewer pages once they've arrived at a listing.