on โ19-05-2014 03:52 PM
i contacted ebay customer support through the 'email us' link but got some stock reply that was fairly irrelevant to what i asked them (no surprises there really!), but unlike previously, it seemed there was no link to reply to the msg. So i found live help (eventually), got onto them, was chatting away & it got cut off midway through, then the second time i connect i waited for 5 minutes then it said 'no agents available' WHAT THE??? GGGRRRRR! anyone else had issues with it lately?? i suppose it would be quicker to phone them but then i have to spend $ lol
on โ19-05-2014 04:02 PM
I always just get them to ring me, they have not failed to call.........yet!
on โ19-05-2014 04:05 PM
yes of course, i forgot about that option, i think in the back of my mind i thought it would stuff up somehow seeing as the rest of the 'support' hasn't gone too well! so is it an overseas call centre where i have to speak v clearly & repeat myself to be understood or what?
on โ19-05-2014 04:26 PM
on โ19-05-2014 04:35 PM
hmm ok but i probably wouldn't, it might hurt the persons feelings
on โ19-05-2014 05:34 PM
ok i finally got onto live help but it was a waste of time, they can't doing anything for me & told me to email customer support. I seem to remember the same thing happening last time, in which case whats the point in having live help!?!? AARGGHHH!