on 30-09-2015 05:08 PM
on 30-09-2015 05:30 PM
The buyer must have opened an INR case and eBay found in their favour refunded them and closed the case.
If you are certain that the item has been received by the buyer you could request eBay review the case but if it's only a small amount you'd have to consider if it's worth the time and effort.
Just block the buyer so that they can't do it to you again.
on 30-09-2015 07:00 PM
on 30-09-2015 07:27 PM
@littlelilly2014 wrote:
is it a matter of calling them and sorting it or I it a matter of time
More than likley both, knowing eBay customer service.
By which I mean, you'll probably have to call a couple or a few times, because some reps will just find every which way to side with the buyer. eg If the delivered status shows a different postcode to the buyer's, they'll sometimes try to say that means it wasn't delivered to the buyer's address, so you may find yourself having to argue a point or two with them (if you're not getting anywhere with someone, request to speak to a supervisor).
Do you have anything other than the tracking number, eg something from Australia Post which shows the exact address the item was sent to?