on โ02-12-2012 06:47 PM
Hi I have had very few sales of late and i have a lot of trouble finding any of my items in the ebay listings.
further listing analytics says i have no active items
anyone else with this problem
on โ02-12-2012 09:13 PM
The following bag is gorgeous but I would also put "tote" in the title of the listing.
Kiko Gift Bag 24cmx30 Little Traditional Girl & Cherry Blossoms
If you you don't have enough characters to add "tote" then maybe remove the word "Little" because you also have the measurements in the listing title.
Apart from that I have nothing usual to offer in the way of advice.
on โ02-12-2012 09:22 PM
thanks for the advice have done as you suggested.
on โ03-12-2012 01:37 AM
Try running a few auctions. This will bring listings to Page 1 in most cases, and it may draw lookers into your store. It is a matter of trial and error when to finish them, but I find that at night gets a reasonable response. I think you would get a good response on auctioning the bags especially. Start them at what you have them listed for now, which is good value. And list some more of them, they are a great idea.
on โ03-12-2012 10:25 AM
Absolutely agree about the auctions.
Re opened my store last month and was so busy editing and uploading my BIN items I hardly listed any auction items at all. I did not sell much at all. Started this month with a few auction items and I have sold as many items in the first two days of the month as I did in the first week last month.
on โ04-12-2012 08:48 AM
thanks will try that starting this evening