on โ25-05-2017 03:10 PM
I have just accepted and offer from ebay to sell without final value fees and the offer lasts 10 days. Do I need to sell within 10 days or just list within 10 days?
on โ27-05-2017 05:13 PM
and here are the T&Cs for the $1 capped for 10 items sold promo
on โ27-05-2017 05:28 PM
Which doesn't specifically state that listing fees are free, just that FVF are capped. So it would seem the listing part SHOULD be treated as normal.
on โ27-05-2017 07:25 PM
I have sent the list of listed items to the supervisor and am waiting to hear how they have not come from the correct section.
The customer service guy i had today seemed to think it would come off once the items sold? Hard to trust that but especially if your selling something with a higher $$ final value.
The Ts&Cs dont say anything about it selling before the promo is over just listed before the promo is over so you would have to think thats all we can go off
โ28-05-2017 03:50 PM - edited โ28-05-2017 03:52 PM
Hi Craig; I was told as long as the items were listed before 3rd June 2017 then the AU$1 capped FVF offer should apply. Note should not would was the term used by the CS reps I spoke to. (Unless I sent them a list of item numbers or did as was outlined in my post above)
I have yet to list the other 9 high end items & send them their work around list. I think I'm having trust issues! LOL! It seems you & I are the only ones actively recording the glitch farce that is this offer. (& there may be another offer for new sellers running concurrently?) - going by what's been said above by Stawks.
I did read the T&C's notice Sir K put up - even before I accepted the offer. As I understood it ; The offer was for the next 10 items listed. I've had the offer before; But then never tried to maximise by listing higher priced items; Just used it on relists. This time around I'm trying to be more savvy! Oh! BTW it's not this account that got the offer - rather the book site I run for my adult daughter!
โ28-05-2017 06:17 PM - edited โ28-05-2017 06:19 PM
on โ28-05-2017 06:34 PM
Heard back from the supervisor on the now 6 items ive listed and they have told me they are recorded down on my account and if it doesnt work they will credit the final value fee. That has come through on the ebay email so it should be enough to go off i reckon.
Still pretty scary as it can be the difference in me selling something on ebay or not with higher price items.
Yea i thought i would have read alot more on this but i guess not.
Will be back with more info once something sells ๐
on โ28-05-2017 06:42 PM
on โ28-05-2017 08:58 PM
@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:
@redders_60 wrote:
I did read the T&C's notice Sir K put up
Sir K . . . . . that's a new one!
Spoilerslr, k1ooo . . . . . . or . . . . . .Spoileranyone reading this can just call me chris from now on
Sir Sales
on โ28-05-2017 11:30 PM
@k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:
@redders_60 wrote:
I did read the T&C's notice Sir K put up
Sir K . . . . . that's a new one!
Spoilerslr, k1ooo . . . . . . or . . . . . .Spoileranyone reading this can just call me chris from now on
Or.......Special K?
On the topic, I've had the next 3 items listed are totally fee free promotion in the past and when I listed those 3 items it didn't come off the 3. However, when they sold (well, 2 of them did before they relisted), it said 2 used. The number didn't change until they'd sold. I expect it would be the same with this promo.
on โ29-05-2017 01:59 PM
Hi Chris & Thanks! I mistook the l for an i in your username & have always read it as Sir - Must find glasses & also get a new keyboard where the letters aren't worn out so I have to type from memory of what key is which!