opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

hi guys,


just wanted to get your opinion on a valid reason for not fulfilling handling time. 


i've recently been a buyer on ebay after selling for a long time - i've had one item i've been waiting on specifically - and the seller messages me today saying that "sorry, weather has been wet - will post when we get a fine day." 


do people think this is a valid reason for extending their handling time? i could understand if roads were closed or something similar - but no mention of that. 


just seeking thoughts :]



Message 1 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"


One of my favourite trilogies, that!
Message 21 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

The first was absolute pefection ^_^


(PS on the off-chance anyone is looking at a Blunt, there's a seller on ebay who regularly particpates in eBay's 20% off promos Smiley Wink ). 

Message 22 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

Unless it is acid rain, then it's not a valid excuse.  I am constantly amazed at how people react to rain..... run to get out of it, and risk slipping over in the process. They run out of the surf when it rains. They drive like idiots to get home in a hurry when it rains.  Maybe they think they are made of sugar and will melt.  Personally, I just change when I get home if I get wet, and I slow down on the roads when it rains (instead of speeding up like many do)  Maybe there is something evil about rain that I am not aware of, seeing as most people seem intent on never getting a drop of it on them.

If the seller is waiting for it to stop raining in Melbourne, it could be a very long wait. Melbourne's rain is usually just a light drizzle that never seems to stop. Hardly cyclonic by any means.

Message 23 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

We can't use the excuse of the rain for not posting items.

Wish we could....the area (Central West NSW) is parched. Not a blade of grass anywhere.

The whole state has been declared a drought area.

Please send your rain to us!!
Message 24 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

There hasn't been a drop today, drizzly or otherwise. I had the sun shining in this morning, so now there's no excuse for the parcel not to be on its way.

Message 25 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

sorry to hear about the situation there - i've seen on TV the utter devastation it is causing and the mental strain on everyone. hope it ends soon. 

Message 26 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

Thank you. It's not just the farmers doing it tough (though it is tougher for them) but it's also the towns.
At the moment, there is a huge fundraising effort going on, from various TV shows but also places like Woolies are doing their bit.
School kids are organinsing hampers for them...farmers are feeding their animals instead of themselves.
Absolutely awful!!
All this because they didn't want to get wet. going to the PO.. we wish!!!!!
Message 27 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

Brain and fingers not working!!
The last sentence should have been that this conversation started because someone didn't like the rain and couldn't post an item.

Oh dear, an early night for me I feel!!
Message 28 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

Doesn't matter. Seller has set handling time and they will have to deal with the consequences as to whether they constantly fail to meet it or not.

Reasons dont matter, its their choice.


Message 29 of 30
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opinions - valid reason for not fulfilling "handling time?"

I suppose the seller could consider extending their handling time, and state in their listings: "Items will be sent out subject to meteorological conditions. Might be sooner, might be later."

Message 30 of 30
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