on โ28-10-2012 11:03 PM
is it possible for a seller to not have a paypal account?
I thought it was mandatory, but have recently made a payment and it said recepient of this payment is unregistered
on โ28-10-2012 11:22 PM
It is possible to be a seller and not have a PP account.
If you offer CC or payment you do not have to offer paypal.
Have you checked with the seller that they have not made an error in their details.
Is there paypal offered on the listing?
on โ28-10-2012 11:23 PM
If seller offers CC or payment paymate you do not have to offer paypal.
on โ28-10-2012 11:34 PM
it says paypal,bank deposit and the seller says bank deposit preferred
on โ28-10-2012 11:36 PM
and under the $ sign is an hour glass, so does that mean payment did not go through?
on โ28-10-2012 11:45 PM
The seller may have mistyped their Paypal address in the listing. Or they may have deliberately put a false Paypal address in because they don't want to accept Paypal.
I would contact the seller and ask them to doublecheck the address. Don't accuse, just ask.
If the reply is unsatisfactory, you should be able to cancel the payment from your end (the only time you can). You can also report them for not accepting Paypal, but I would wait until I knew that for sure.
on โ28-10-2012 11:46 PM
Go to your PP account and open the payment for that transaction and copy it then contact the seller and paste the details in the message and ask if the details are correct as the payment is showing as not registered.
See what the seller says and go from there.
If they do not reply or say they do not have a PP account then there should be the option next to the payment to cancel it.
Cancel the payment and report them to ebay and leave a neg to warn others they refuse to claim PP payments.
If they open a non payer dispute call ebay straight away and tell them you do not want a strike and they did not claim the payment you made.
on โ28-10-2012 11:48 PM
Go to your PP account and open the payment for that transaction and copy the paypal address email details then contact the seller and paste the details in the message and ask if the details are correct as the payment is showing as not registered
on โ28-10-2012 11:48 PM
The seller is either trying to avoid accepting Paypal or they have made an error when inputting the email address for payments to go to.
Some sellers do it deliberately if selling a pick up only item as it is not safe to pay that way for either buyer or seller if it is not going to be delivered by a 3rd party.
As long as it isn't pick up email the seller and tell them you have paid and would they please accept your payment and send your item. If they don't reply you can report them for seller non performance and cancel the payment.
on โ29-10-2012 08:16 AM
another possibility is if they are new to selling, they may not have upgraded their paypal a/c from personal to business or premier, and therefore cannot accept payments.
ask them to check that too