sellers workshop

I wish there was a sellers workshop. I as a low volume seller. Can't help but feel that I am missing that certain something that a few here have. I myself didn't feel anything about the buyer that has 33 bid retractions. Where was my outrage, don't know I couldn't find any. I don't seem to have that disdain for buyers that I have read so much off lately. I'm missing that whitey slave owning gene that gives one the right to believe that an eBay contract has only one party. I'm no lawyer but isn't a contract fundamentally at least a two party concern. Having read the thread some poor buyer started about it being unfair (their words not mine) that sellers can cancel bids and withdraw their item whenever they want. The tirade that resulted was amazing. Yet a buyer is entering a binding contract that must not be broken but the seller can do what they want as it's theirs. Sounds like a whiteys slave owners rule to me. I need to feel the sickening rage of a non paying bidder, don't have it just get the job done using the mechanism provided. I want to feel the wind blowing up my **bleep** and be able to return the favour when I boast how many sales I have made, it is the only break to the unending buyer hate that fills this forum. I also need that eBay hate, I want it bad how dare they allow people to make money and expect something for doing that. I don't know how I am managing to get by without hating eBay and buyers. I want to be weak and pathetic to the point of fearing for my livelihood because of mean old eBay teaching me the basics of online selling and then being too gutless to spread my wings and go out on my own but just to tap away and whinge ad infinitum.

I am the grasshopper be my sensei.
Message 1 of 15
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sellers workshop

I do not aspire to be "right"


I just like to share my views and hear about others views and experiences about eBay.

Message 11 of 15
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sellers workshop

Isn't the point if this forum to help other sellers with their problems. Not to maintain a hate fest on whomever they maybe. Aren't views meant to be expressed in another forum.
Message 12 of 15
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sellers workshop

What forum would that be ?


I mainly post on the trading discussion boads.


There is also a question and answer centre, which I don't post to, as I like to discuss things about eBay trading Cat Happy



Message 13 of 15
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sellers workshop

@wilk1149 wrote:
Isn't the point if this forum to help other sellers with their problems. 

And you're doing that by pointing out what you think the problem with sellers is? I don't see your post as constructive at all, and even if there is an element of truth to what you say (in that yep, there are certain topics that trigger a more emotional reaction from people than others, but that is not necessarily reflective of how people conduct their business affairs), I'm sorry, but I don't see where you're trying to help anyone? 


I only see an attempt at insulting people via sarcasm. 


"For the most part, people think that they are being kind by saying the things that others find distasteful or difficult to say. But if it is not received well, they think that there is nothing more to be done. This is completely worthless. It is the same as bringing shame to a person by slandering him. It is nothing more than getting it off one's chest....


By bringing shame to a person, how could one expect to make him a better man?"


~Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Message 14 of 15
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sellers workshop

Perhaps a sellers workshop and a hell of lot more experience dealing on eBay might be just what the doctor ordered. Remember the old adage, 'sarcasm is the lowest form of wit'. A ****WIT being sarcastic is even lower Woman LOL

Message 15 of 15
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