on โ10-07-2014 09:18 AM
Hi how long do you wait to hear from ? or wait till the ebayer who wins your stuff pays or makes contact before you relist ?
Im getting so sick of not getting commication from the people who bid and then win items!! but then make no contact to pay!!
on โ10-07-2014 09:23 AM
I had that problem too, I've solved it by never playing my items for bidding again..
on โ10-07-2014 10:26 AM
Send them an invoice stating how long they have to pay (most sellers say 3-4 days). If they haven't paid after 4 days with no communication, open an unpaid dispute through the resolution centre. Often that prompts people to pay. If they don't pay within 4 days after the case is opened, close it to get your FVF's back. You are then free to relist your item and the buyer gets a strike against their account. Make sure you also add that buyer to your blocked buyers list so they can't do it again to you. Also make sure you have blocks in place so that people with more than 2 unpaid strikes in the last 12 months can't bid on your items.
on โ10-07-2014 04:43 PM
I didnt know there was a block list where can i find that ? thank you!
on โ10-07-2014 05:28 PM
on โ11-07-2014 12:31 AM
@knukklehead wrote:I didnt know there was a block list where can i find that ? thank you!
Follow the link above. You need to manually add the buyers you want to block.
If you haven't already, set up the other kind of blocks too. Up the top where it says "G'day <your name>" click the down arrow then sellect 'account settings'. Then on the menu on the left, select 'site preferences'. Then scroll to 'buyer requirements and click on show, then edit. Tick the buyers with unpaid strikes and set it to 2 in 12 months. Tick the location one and then tick the policy violation option and set it to 4 in 6 months, I don't have the negative one ticked because it's a bit obsolete since buyers can't receive negs. It's up to you whether you select the next option. Tick the option that buyers can't buy if they haven't been through phone verification, then select the feedback amount. Once a low feedback buyer has been through phone verification, this option no longer applies to them. Tick the apply settings to current and future listings and also tick that blocked buyers can't contact you. Then click submit.
If you go back to the buyer requirement section and click show again, you will then be able to see your settings. You will also see a link "buyer requirement activity log". Clicking on that will show you everyone that has tried to buy or bid on your items and were blocked, since you put your blocks in place.
on โ11-07-2014 07:43 AM
By eBay policy you have to give them 4 days. After that you can open a dispute, if they don't repsond you get your fees refuned and ebay "deals" with NPB.
To block someone simply scroll down to bottom of page and click on "site map" and you will find the tab to click on to block them.
on โ11-07-2014 04:16 PM
I work on a 10 day rule. On the 5th day after the sale has ended - I resend the invoice. On the 7th day I email the buyer to ask them if they have sent payment or if there is a problem. On the 9th day if i still haven't heard anything or seen payment I send another email telling them that I will be reporting them the next day if they haven't paid or contacted me. So on the 10th day I report them. The case is usually opened for 5 - 7 days to allow them to pay. If they still don't pay, I close the case, get my seller fees refunded and relist my item whenever I like after that.
Some people are just busy and forget. The resent invoice or first email is usually enough for them. For the others, I do the rest.
on โ12-07-2014 09:05 AM
I'm having the same issue ... buys, no contact ... no pay for 4 days ... then wait another four days to close it off - 8 days wasted.
Problem is that this buyer has been on eBay since 2011, but was sitting at newbie status of zero feedback when she bought the necklace. I pointed this out to eBay and reported her as a possible 'too many strikes - create a new account' user, but was fobbed off and given so many hoops to jump through I gave up.
What gives? And why is there no visible indicator to warn buyers in how many strikes or new accounts a person may have?
So frustrated!
on โ12-07-2014 03:31 PM
It is frustrating.
You assume that when someone bids on your item, that they really want it. When the item just sits there waiting for payment day after day- you find out different.
I wish there was a 3 strikes and your out with non-payers. It's not fair on sellers, such a waste of time.