on โ09-03-2015 02:05 PM
EBay are still holding my funds .....close to 1,000 dollars even though delivered and feedback left for me ........what ever can I do as sellers to me can't be paid etc. This is the most extraordinary thing ,,,as I have been selling for 6 yrars ....Has anyone else been successful thank you
on โ09-03-2015 03:54 PM
There have been many threads regarding this which would pay you to read up on. In short you will need to lodge a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman after which you should advise Paypal that you have done so. The earlier threads give more detail on how successful/or not this has been. It is illegal for Paypal to hold your funds in this manner.
on โ09-03-2015 04:42 PM
I think when push comes to shove we will find out that it is not illegal for Paypal to hold the funds for 21 days as it is part of their ploicy that you have agreed to abide by. Just because the buyer has left feedback does not mean that the card holder cannot try and do a chargeback through their bank.
It is true that starting a complaint with the FSO has resulted in most member's funds being released, I suspect that is more because of the cost of going through the Ombudsman's process would cost more in man hours than releasng the funds and risking having to cover the chargeback themselves.
on โ09-03-2015 04:49 PM
@phorum_junkie* wrote:I think when push comes to shove we will find out that it is not illegal for Paypal to hold the funds for 21 days as it is part of their ploicy that you have agreed to abide by. Just because the buyer has left feedback does not mean that the card holder cannot try and do a chargeback through their bank.
It is true that starting a complaint with the FSO has resulted in most member's funds being released, I suspect that is more because of the cost of going through the Ombudsman's process would cost more in man hours than releasng the funds and risking having to cover the chargeback themselves.
No PJ, it is actually illegal to hold funds in this way.
Problems with transactions are the in the jurisdiction of Fair Trading.
eBay is just a venue remember.
PayPal is just a payment gateway too.
Both are bound by Australian legislation although they do seem to play fast and loose with it.