struggling with sales this week.


Having a soft week here,page views are way down.

Anybody have any ideas ?


Message 1 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

Hey pal 

Nothing nasty going from my end here.

I can only go on the info i have in front of me,.that is not assuming.

I only called it as the info i had made me see it.

Message 11 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

I am neither your mate nor your pal. If you're going to play on the general boards it might pay to address the information provided rather than your perception of the provider of same.


We're not all powersellers and some of us choose not to give up our selling IDs. If I had posted the same with my selling ID would that have made the facts more believable?

Message 12 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

Why don't you let people know your selling ID, davewil ?


Please ?


I promise if you do, I'll put it on my Blocked Seller list


based solely on the tone of your comments generally and specifically in regard to the way you've chosen to speak to Hawker


the way you've deliberately chosen to antagonise and attack


the way you boast all the time


the way you seem to have a chip the size of Alaska on your shoulder


the sheer nastiness of all of it


I'll ask ebay if I can have your selling ID and I'll tell them WHY


So please, let's shortcut the process and you just put your selling ID out there


Why not ?


If you want to sell and if you actually do have this mythical selling ID ---- you'd be promoting your selling ID here instead of hiding it


I don't believe you HAVE a selling ID


If you do -- why not prove it



Message 13 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

@ Hawker




Wow, Hawker --------------- you've got some GREAT items for sale.  Such low prices !  And very low postage, too


I'm browsing them now



Message 14 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

Quoting Davewil :  " Which is why I don't post with my selling ID. because FW people like you would make a crusade out of trashing my reputation, simply because you don't agree with me. On many IDs.


I don't need to advertise my selling ID. Discerning buyers purchase anyway. A result of quality, dare I say? "  End Quote






Davewil -------------- you've MORE than trashed your reputation here, all by yourself



I do not believe you have a selling ID.  And I'm very happy about that



Message 15 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

Okay polocross/hawker/movie (and any other manifestations of your personality that might appear)


Believe what you like. I don't spend the amount of time I do on the eBay boards for the fun of it. Okay, yes I do, but if I wasn't selling I wouldn't visit.


It's not actually hard to work out my selling ID. Plus there are 10s of members who could tell you what it is. And if they did, I would not be happy. Once again - play the information not the member.


I rate online interactions on a scale from 0-100. You will be happy to know that you are a rare individual - you rated 0. Very few have achieved that distinction.

Message 16 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

sarcasm'r'us, perhaps

Message 17 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

Sorry, you only rate a 20, eloi. Your posts are occasionally pertinent and incisive. Get rid of that and I would be happy to give you an 0. After a trial period, of course. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Message 18 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

Dear Gentlemen,


As this has turned into a competition to determine who has the biggest shoe size, I'm gonna wade into this (lucky it's not a weeing competition, eh?)


Actually I better not. So to stay on topic...


I'm struggling with sales this week, probably because I have been visiting the Land of Sloth and have not listed anything and most of the items in my store sold earlier in the month so pickings are slim. However I only have a basic store and I am too stingy to upgrade to another level, so I will have to wait until next month to relist.


As I am not male, i don't think that my shoe size really matters.




Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 19 of 56
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Re: struggling with sales this week.

Does it really matter if you normally sell 12 things in May and this May you've sold 20 (or whatever the figures were)? I used to sell more than 20 items a day but am no where near that at the moment. One persons 'success' might be another's slow day.


The OP was asking for ideas not a continuation of the regular spit fight that sees many turn away from these boards.


Many sellers are reporting slow sales. We can't all be doing something wrong.


Message 20 of 56
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