on โ14-07-2013 03:44 PM
I've been trying to list some older unsold items from Turbolister and I keep getting the error message "this item can't be accessed because it's been deleted or you are not the seller".
Anyone have a clue how to get over this?
thanks beryl
on โ14-07-2013 03:59 PM
Have you updated turbo lister?
on โ14-07-2013 04:30 PM
yes after the message, then I tried relisting again with the same result
on โ14-07-2013 08:33 PM
Sounds like a file may have become corrupted. You could try importing all your items from your back up file and if it still happens you will probably have to go back to an earlier back up file.
Sometimes googling the error message will find you a solution.
Only other thing I can sugest is that you email turbodata@ebay.com, make sure you tell them what OS you are using and exactly what is happening and what the error message is.
on โ15-07-2013 03:09 AM
Google or Bing your question. There are answers that will solve the problem. Looked at same problem myself.
on โ15-07-2013 01:10 PM
Can you preview the old listing?
Copy a listing that works then change it to the item you want to sell.
You can manually copy the HTML from the old listing to the new one.