on 24-01-2013 07:19 PM
hi ppl,
ive just opened a store and want to upload my listings from turbo lister,but it doesnt acknowledge the store cause i can list only for 10 days(not 30 days or GTC) i realy dont want to do them all over again:( can some1 help? Also i cant use the international post with the turbo lister,but can if i list the normal way(have enough selling feedback)
on 24-01-2013 07:53 PM
Do a complete system update first thing. In Tools.
You will then need to synchronize[sic] TL with your eBay account.
Then check for updates. There should one available as TL will need to import your shop categories.
You should be right then.
Not sure about international postage, probably the same reason, lack of synchronisation.
Backup TL and check for updates regularly.
on 25-01-2013 12:43 AM
😄 Thanks mate!! it did the trick;-) lack of synchronization.like u said..Happy New Year!
on 25-01-2013 12:50 AM
No worries. Happy selling.