on 06-10-2013 08:05 PM
on 06-10-2013 08:20 PM
if you find out, be sure to let eBay know, cos they certainly haven't had their finger on it lately.
on 06-10-2013 11:28 PM
It was discontinued on the US site so I think here also.
On the US site it was replaced with popular items but here in Aus it simply leads to a page with categories.
You can refine a search by selecting completed items or perhaps look into Terapeak.
(Just google Terapeak and bobs your uncle, well crikeys uncle anyway)
on 07-10-2013 10:41 AM
I have an Uncle Sam too - and he lives in America. That always amused me (yeah I know, small things an all)
Well he was married to my Aunty but she's dead now, so I spose that still makes him my Uncle? Their kids are still my cousins anyway.
on 07-10-2013 10:53 AM
on 07-10-2013 12:18 PM
You can do a similar search on AU using popular.ebay.com.au
on 07-10-2013 06:20 PM
@kopenhagen5 wrote:Not a blood relative of course, but he is still your uncle by marriage.
(Don't tell me you have an Uncle Toby that grows wheat).
My grandfather was named Toby! LMAO - but he was in logging and timber, not grains. RFLMAO