why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

Community Member

im sick of people who dont pay for items then again why should they pay for a item if there is no comeback? besides getting a strike! force buyers to pay a 10% deposit like a normal auction that why if they dont go ahead with purchase without a good valid reason they will loose the deposit. surely ebay has looked into this? otherwise more people are not going to pay for items they won at auction.

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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

im sick of people who dont pay for items then again why should they pay for a item if there is no comeback? besides getting a strike! force buyers to pay a 10% deposit like a normal auction that why if they dont go ahead with purchase without a good valid reason they will loose the deposit. surely ebay has looked into this? otherwise more people are not going to pay for items they won at auction.


You get your fees back by closing an unpaid item dispute for any buyer who does not pay. Then you're back to square one and can start again. It's basically the same as if the non-paying buyer was to pay a small deposit.

Message 21 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

Community Member

That's just a silly idea!

Message 22 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

no no you missunderstood me. say you are the winning bidder at $1000 then 10% of that ( $100 ) would be the deposit you would have to pay via paypal or credit card to the seller with one hour or automatically, then pay the balence of $900 within the next four days or on delivery or pick up etc BUT if you change your mind and dont want to buy the product then the seller gets to keep the $100 deposit. now thats a deterant that will work 99% of the time.


I think it would be a deterrent to some legitimate bidders bidding.  Less bidders could lower final values for sellers.


It would also open up a new avenue for scammers.  They could list items, get 10% at conclusion, and take the money and run.  Doing this for many items ending at about the same time would be quite lucrative for scammers.


What about pickup items?  Having to pay 10% by PayPal or credit card would be unworkable.  PayPal doesn't give buyers or sellers protection for pickup items . . . . . so the buyer would be taking ALL the risk. What happens when they turn up to pickup and find the item is not as described and do not wish to proceed?  Would they kiss their 10% goodbye?  Also, normal eBayer sellers do not have credit card processing facilities.

"if a story doesn't make sense . . . . then it is not true" - Judge Judy
Message 23 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?


What about pickup items?  Having to pay 10% by PayPal or credit card would be unworkable.  PayPal doesn't give buyers or sellers protection for pickup items . . . . . so the buyer would be taking ALL the risk. What happens when they turn up to pickup and find the item is not as described and do not wish to proceed?  Would they kiss their 10% goodbye?  Also, normal eBayer sellers do not have credit card processing facilities.

PayPal don't give buyer protection on any item that is paid for in more than one instalment, so the deposit / balance paid idea would (under current PP agreement) void all buyer protection on all items, giving even more leeway to anyone looking to run a quick scam and not only take the money, but leave any buyer who paid in full high and dry. 

Message 24 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

I used to go to auction house some 20+ years ago; there if you wanted to bid you registered, paid $ (20 or 50?)and got a number.  Once the auction ended you paid for your purchases and the deposit was detracted from the total.  Or, if you did not get anything, you just handed in the number and got your money back.  BUT that would not work on eBay; as mentioned above, eBay is NOT an auction house; they just facilitate sales between 2 parties.  I sometimes, when looking for bargains, may be bidding on 20 items, of which I may be lucky to get 2 or 3, I would not be happy to have my money tied up with items that may be ending in 9 days time.  It would be complicated, expensive and altogether not workable.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 25 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

no no you missunderstood me. say you are the winning bidder at $1000 then 10% of that ( $100 ) would be the deposit you would have to pay via paypal or credit card to the seller with one hour or automatically, then pay the balence of $900 within the next four days or on delivery or pick up etc BUT if you change your mind and dont want to buy the product then the seller gets to keep the $100 deposit. now thats a deterant that will work 99% of the time.

It will only work if the buyer pays the deposit in the first place. How is Ebay going to enforce that any more than they can currently enforce payment of the whole amount.

All you are doing is adding another layer to the payment process and making it more complicated for sellers.

Message 26 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

Ok uprising, i will play along with your senerio.

And at the end of a successful transaction on ebay deposit 10% of the final sales price with the seller. And then within 4 days complete the transaction with full payment.

But once i have paid you fully , i want the seller to deposit 20% into my paypal account until the item arrives with me and then i will refund it .

This should weed out all of the sellers who refuse to complete sales because the transaction didnt end as high as they thought it would go for. 

I know sellers are out time and yes maybe a little bit of money on a transaction that the buyer doesnt make good on it. 

But truthfully from the sellers i have seen on these boards with large numbers of sales, they quiet often say the NPB doesnt bother them as much as you would think it should.

Atleast at the end if a buyer hasnt paid , you still have the item in your possession.

If i were a seller , i would be more worried about disputes and claiming items not arrived or not as described etc etc. Then you might be without the cash AND the item .

Message 27 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

ebay's IT boffins struggle as it is to make this site work poorly, at best, do you really think it is a good idea to have them try to add such complicated features?

Let them get what we now have to use working properly before any big ideas.

Message 28 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

If a seller does not pay their fees ebay deregistered them till the outstanding amount is paid.

Yet a buyer can be a repeated non payer and they are still free to purchase with MANY strikes against them.

So why not deregistered non paying buyers like they do non paying sellers of their fees?

Message 29 of 37
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why cant ebay be like a real auction and force buyers to pay 10% deposit ?

Agree sparklz, stricter with serial non payers.

Perhaps a suspension of 3 months?

                                   (BTW welcome back from hols I presume)

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Message 30 of 37
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