on 24-03-2013 09:00 PM
every time they fiddle it becomes worse [at least for me]. there used to be a box which you could type in which page you wanted to go to - disappeared a week or two ago. now the unpaid link has disappeared so I have to flip back over the pages to see who needs a nudge to pay. anyone else finding these changes annoying?
on 24-03-2013 09:26 PM
wow, they must have read my post - the awaiting payment link has reappered, unless my store is moving in and out of a ebay worm hole
on 24-03-2013 09:27 PM
bugger, disappeared again
on 24-03-2013 11:42 PM
Me thinks you have a computer issue of your own, or the programming or whatever does, but I'm far from being an IT or electronics expert to try help you.
on 25-03-2013 07:47 AM
anyone else finding these changes annoying?
Nope, I have seen so many changes over the many, many years I have been using ebay that I don't let them bother me at all. It is amazing how quickly you forget it was ever any different and at my age change is good, keeps the old grey matter working to stave of senility 😉