on 28-06-2012 05:44 PM
Noticed Lismore book shop selling off all their books in the bulk lot section, 7 - 10,000 books for $7,000.
If I lived up that way, I would be over there in a flash checking out if the quality was worth it to buy them up.
Noticed the Port Macquarie book exchange has gone now.
Shops seem to be falling like flies.
The Flinders St book shop in Melbourne had a 50% off closing down sale a few weeks ago.
Bit hard for them to compete with the $5 end of runs stores.
on 08-06-2013 09:23 PM
How's the cafe side of it going, Cath? Covering its costs?
on 09-06-2013 06:02 PM
We rely on the fact that there is a great cafe on the other side of the bridge, The Red Bridge Cafe & Providore, so no muffin crumbs mixed in with the pages of our books! But the "inn" above the book cellar is still a part of our mix, and in the inn we provide B&B accommodation (and the occasional formal catered group dinner). The inn is 'travelling well' given the tough tourism situation generally. Over winter we've started offering a book lover's weekend special... book 2 nights B&B & get a bottle of wine or cheese platter and 15% discount in the bookshop... a B & B & B & B, if you like 🙂 It's a package that seems to appeal to our target market. We find if we keep working every aspect of the business it all hangs together, but I can tell you, it's a lean machine!
on 10-06-2013 08:35 AM
I hope this one does not close................... before I get a chance to visit it. 😐 I know if I do get the chance I think I will have the feeling of deja vu
on 10-06-2013 10:55 PM
the writing above is very clever
on 27-06-2013 10:02 AM
I see that Richo after viewing a Gippsland mag.
She has sub let the space so as to share the lease expense.
Good idea when you think about it as hiring staff is another expense as well before you make your 1st $$$ from coffee and cake.
We have over 20 businesses you can buy a coffee in Wonthaggi.
I don't think we should serve coffee too.
I know Fish Tales book shop in Fish Creek has ditched 80% of their books and gone full on into coffee and cake + organic foods.
Their coffee shop now adds to the other 5 x coffee shops in a town that has a permanent population of 700 give or take a few.
I don't know what the attraction is to coffee shops and whether there's more $$$ in them, all I know is the original people who came up with the idea to set up a cafe in a small town and then have their local Bakery, Book shop, Pub, Florist, Hardware store, Takeaway store all converting to fancy coffee shops to carve up the caffeine $$$ must be a little pissed off.
on 27-06-2013 10:58 PM
Almost every new office block in Canberra seems to come with a coffee shop. I assume they are makinjg money. I buy from a select few. None of whom sell books.
on 29-06-2013 01:26 PM
Think they were joking on the ABC about there being over 50 places to get a coffee in Williamstown lol.
On topic, I notice Shepparton's Book exchange is closing
on 06-08-2013 10:44 AM
anyone wanting to buy a book shop?
on 06-08-2013 08:06 PM
Dave hope you are looking after yourself--was a wake up call..........Richo.
on 11-08-2013 02:18 AM
That bookshop in Bright isn't very big. They sell new books. I've seen a number of bookshops come and go in Bright over the years.