on โ28-06-2012 05:44 PM
Noticed Lismore book shop selling off all their books in the bulk lot section, 7 - 10,000 books for $7,000.
If I lived up that way, I would be over there in a flash checking out if the quality was worth it to buy them up.
Noticed the Port Macquarie book exchange has gone now.
Shops seem to be falling like flies.
The Flinders St book shop in Melbourne had a 50% off closing down sale a few weeks ago.
Bit hard for them to compete with the $5 end of runs stores.
on โ17-08-2013 01:27 PM
very quiet in retail atm, when is the election going to be over already?
Going not to bad Richo thanks.
Couple of angina's giving me a little grief, just got to keep the cholesterol down and the medication up.